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From: Andy Walker <anw@cuboid.co.uk>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.shell,comp.unix.programmer,comp.lang.misc
Subject: Re: Command Languages Versus Programming Languages
Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2024 19:32:14 +0100
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On 06/04/2024 17:57, Janis Papanagnou wrote:
> I named it always explicitly as "Algol 60" and "Algol 68".
> But at some instance of time I read somewhere that "Algol"
> would "now" refer to Algol 68, so I changed my habit.

	Quite right.  Algol 60 died, for all practical purposes,
half a century ago.  Algol 68 may be a niche interest, but it is
still a nice language, and its [dwindling] band of adherents and
practitioners still use it and prefer it to C and other more
recent languages.

> But since [LD'O's] post shows that this may not (not yet?) be
> common usage I'll be more specific in future. - Thanks for
> the hint!

	For how long?  Does anyone still think that an unadorned
"Unix" must refer to 6th Edition [or earlier], "C" to K&R, "Fortran"
to Fortran IV, and so on?  Clearly, there /are/ occasions when it is
necessary to specify which version of a language/OS/computer/... is
being referred to, and there is often a change-over period of a few
years when an older version is still sufficiently current.  But fifty
years is surely long enough to get used to the newer version!

Andy Walker, Nottingham.
    Andy's music pages: www.cuboid.me.uk/andy/Music
    Composer of the day: www.cuboid.me.uk/andy/Music/Composers/Godfrey