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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: "Adam H. Kerman" <>
Subject: Re: Christians getting it wrong
Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2024 22:50:20 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 41
Message-ID: <uusjjb$2b8ao$>
References: <uubp1e$1q8rg$> <> <uusgml$2afkc$> <>
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BTR1701 <> wrote:
>"Adam H. Kerman" <> wrote:
>>BTR1701 <> wrote:
>>>Adam H. Kerman <> wrote:

>>>>"We've always led attendees in prayer during ceremonies of the public
>>>>high school. Why cannot we continue to offer a prayer at the upcoming
>>>>It's unconstitutional to do so even though those who want public prayer
>>>>are restricted from freely exercising their own religion.

>>>But the problem comes when they try and censor the valedictorian from 
>>>mentioning her faith and how it helped her achieve her goals. (As 
>>>several courts have done over the years.) The Constitution does not 
>>>prohibit the mere mention of religion in public spaces.

>>As long as she doesn't lead the congregation in prayer, I don't see how
>>a bright line has been crossed about either Establishment or Free

>There was also the case of the kid who liked to sit quietly and read his 
>bible during lunch hour. The rabid separation-of-church-and-staters 
>running his school had a fit and prohibited him from even possessing his 
>bible on school grounds. They were given an expensive education by a 
>federal court on how blinkered their view of the law was.

I've given an example from my own life. I once took a bible study class
from Board of Jewish Education at my high school. They kept supplies in
a large closet that didn't have their name on it. It was taught in a
classroom after school. It wasn't the public high school imposing
religion, but there was religion taking place in a public building as a
private activity.

In school choir and orchestra, we played religious music. Christian, of

None of this is related to what I was talking about, like opening the
graduation ceremony or football game or homeroom with a prayer. That's
what some Christians want, the ability to impose religion upon the
public that hasn't got a choice but to sit through it.