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From: Justisaur <justisaur@yahoo.com>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action
Subject: Re: I knew all that flashy bling was a bad idea...
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2024 07:02:06 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 4/8/2024 6:00 PM, candycanearter07 wrote:
> Ant <ant@zimage.comANT> wrote at 23:19 this Monday (GMT):
>> Spalls Hurgenson <spallshurgenson@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> You know how all the 'high-end' gaming hardware (RAM, motherboards,
>>> GPUs, fans, etc.) now includes LEDs? Maybe it wasn't such a good
>>> idea... and not just because it's ugly and distracting.
>>> It turns out, some gamers are reporting that their GPUs are getting
>>> melted/burnt because of the LEDs in their RAM sticks. Cheap LEDs emit
>>> UV light, and this can leave scorch marks on some plastics...
>>> including the backplates of GPUs.
>>> Oops.
>>> And I'm sure all that UV does great things to people too.
>>> There's no real information on how common the problem is, or how long
>>> it took before the plastic got scorched or, really, any specifics.
>>> Still, it's another reason to not bling out your PC.
>>> (It's not really related, but modern GPUs are getting burdensomely
>>> heavy and large too... so much so that the PCIE slots on motherboards
>>> are having problems supporting that weight. There are reports of the
>>> slots getting pulled off their traces on the motherboard because of
>>> the weight. My GPU came with a little adjustable 'brace' meant to be
>>> placed between GPU and chassis to help hold the massive thing up. I'd
>>> say that sensible component design seems to be a thing of the past...
>>> except then I remember 'hard-cards' (hard-drives mounted on ISA cards)
>>> from the AT/XT era and realize we never had sensible component
>>> designs. ;-)
>>> * read here:
>>> https://www.lowyat.net/2024/320127/ram-rbg-led-burn-in-gpu-backplate/
>> I never cared about those pretty lights on my PC stuff. The only lights
>> are the blinking drive lights, laser under the optical mouses, and power
>> lights. :P

Funny enough my mouse doesn't have a visible laser, just LEDs under the 
logo and DPI indicator.

> Info lights are cool. Flashy RGB lights are... fine.. sometimes.

Except for one of the wifi routers which is in our bedroom has super 
bright blue LED info lights.  I covered them up with electrical tape, 
but the light still leaks through the vents a little, but at least down 
to 'nightlight' level instead of 'Police helicopter searchlight'


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