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Path: ...!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: FPP <>
Subject: Re: Meet U.N. "Climate Advisor" Ayisha Siddiqa...
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2024 21:13:48 -0400
Organization: Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl Fhtagn.
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On 4/9/24 12:44 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
> On Apr 9, 2024 at 6:48:25 AM PDT, "FPP" <> wrote:
>> On 4/8/24 4:08 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>   In article <uv0vg6$3hsmc$>, FPP <>
>>>   wrote:
>>>>   On 4/5/24 3:29 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>>>   FPP <> wrote:
>>>>>>   On 4/4/24 8:50 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>>>>>   In article <uuneea$uqll$>, FPP <>
>>>>>>>   wrote:
>>>>>>>>   On 4/4/24 3:13 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>>>>>>>   In article <uum8rd$ln18$>, FPP <>
>>>>>>>>>   wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>   On 4/3/24 11:11 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>   Ayisha Siddiqa (@Ayishas12), a climate adviser for the UN.
>>>>>>>>>>>   She claims the "white man" and "capitalism" are responsible for
>>>>>>>>>>>   bringing life to "the verge of extinction" and calls white men
>>>>>>>>>>>   killers, looters, and abusers. Her account is filled with hateful
>>>>>>>>>>>   anti-white posts.
>>>>>>>>>>>   Apparently, it's totally fine to be disgustingly racist against
>>>>>>>>>>>   white people if you work at the United Nations.
>>>>>>>>>>>   Why are we funding these racist clowns with our tax dollars? The
>>>>>>>>>>>   United States should simply withdraw from the U.N., send these
>>>>>>>>>>>   bigoted assholes back to their shithole countries, and retrofit
>>>>>>>>>>>   U.N. Plaza to house our homeless veterans.
>>>>>>>>>>   Libs of Tik Tok. That's all I need to say.
>>>>>>>>>   LOL!
>>>>>>>>>   Because posting other people's self-owns somehow invalidates those
>>>>>>>>>   self-owns.
>>>>>>>>   Posting racists and book banners, you mean.
>>>>>>>   Ayisha Siddiqa is a racist, I'll grant you, but what books has she
>>>>>>>   banned?
>>>>>>   "Raichik has left up scores of tweets denying the existence of systemic
>>>>>>   racism.
>>>>>   Cool. Now answer the question I asked.
>>>>>   The day after Juneteenth 2021, Raichikšs account posted a
>>>>>>   callout to her followers, asking them to reply with one word and she
>>>>>>   would try to find a video saying why that word is racist.
>>>>>   So she finds various videos from leftists claiming almost any word you can
>>>>>   think of is racist and she's racist for posting them?
>>>>>   Oooo-kay, Jan.
>>>   So now you're a racist if you don't automatically agree with whatever
>>>   racism claims leftist make? That's in an interesting take. Insane, but
>>>   interesting.
>> Nope. I forgot you can't read. "She's racist because she holds racist
>> opinions." is a simple concept to grasp, even for you.
> What opinion of hers is racist?
>>> Slate scrolled through thousands of Raichik's tweets, including hundreds of
>>> deleted tweets, to understand how one real estate agent could gain such
>>> clout and to try to discern her next targets. One notable trend was clear:
>>> Raichik’s feed is colored by an intense hostility to liberals generally, but
>>> she holds an especially pronounced animosity toward LGBTQ people, city
>>> dwellers, and black people who have been killed at the hands of police.
>>> The same week that Raichik said she started "the tik tok thing", Minneapolis
>>> police officer Derek Chauvin was convicted of murdering George Floyd. Prior
>>> to his conviction, Raichik had focused on a different flavor of right-wing
>>> content under other usernames. But around the time the verdict came down,
>>> Raichik let her apparent views on police violence be known: Floyd was a
>>> criminal and his death was the result of drug use, not Chauvin's brutality,
>>> she made clear in a series of tweets.
> That's actually true. Saint Floyd's cause of death was a drug overdose.
>>> Raichik’s apparent hostility for black victims of police violence didn't end
>>> with Floyd. She also tweeted repeatedly mocking the killing of 16-year-old
>>> Ma'Khia Bryant, and in another video, the account endorsed random police
>>> brutality.
>> So you can go right out and fuck right off.  She's a goddamned racist
>> because she holds racist opinions.
>> Just. Like. I. Proved.
> You proved nothing other than Slate has called her a racist. They say they
> found racist tweets but then said they were deleted, so we conveniently can't
> see all this racism they claim exists.
> And then they, like you, claim that just denying the existence of 'systemic
> racism' is itself racist. If that's what Slate (and you) consider racism, then
> you're both full of shit.
> Oh, and by the way, just as you constantly dismiss things based on the bias of
> the messenger, you're going to have to come up with something better than
> Slate if you want to actually prove anything because-- according to Effa's Own
> Rules-- Slate is a very biased messenger, which nothing they say is
> trustworthy and you've proved nothing.
You can see the old tweets just fine, Dumbo.

"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC 
Bible  25B.G.

Gracie, age 6.