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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: (Kalevi Kolttonen)
Subject: Re: Joost Klein: Dutch contestant disqualified from Eurovision Song Contest
Date: Mon, 13 May 2024 21:50:18 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 40
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The Iceberg <> wrote:
> On 11/05/2024 16:47, Kalevi Kolttonen wrote:
>> Pelle Svanslös <pelle@svans.los> wrote:
>>> Israel should be singing with its peer group. Syria and Russia.
>> I will give 20 votes to Israel tonight. That is the maximum
>> allowed.
>> I certainly hope that Israel will win the whole fucking
>> contest so that all "ählämis" and others terrorists will
>> be pissed off. Hahahahahahaa!
> hey Kalevi, can you believe Pelle hates Israel so much?

Yes, it is part of the leftist religion to hate all
democracies and love fucking dictatorships. When the
fucking Soviet Union still existed, the leftists
in Finland spread their Pro Soviet Union propaganda.

YLE (Finnish National Broadcasting entity run by the
government) even had propaganda programs such as
"Näin naapurissa". Translated into English it means
roughly "This is how our neighbours do it". The
program was supposed to demonstrate how much superior
the fucking Soviet Union system was.

The leftists like Pelle also love terrorists and 
other "ählämis" very much, worshipping islam 
and trying to turn our beloved Finland into a 
fucking moslem caliphate.

Sad but true. You cannot trust anyone these days.

Just take a look at what happened in Iran in 1979 and
what happened in Turkey no so long ago. That's
disgusting! Israel, you need to stand up and
