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From: The Natural Philosopher <tnp@invalid.invalid>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.raspberry-pi
Subject: Re: What do I need to go with a Pi 4
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2024 10:44:35 +0100
Organization: A little, after lunch
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On 10/04/2024 14:12, Adrian wrote:
> In message <uv5lop$s7bl$2@dont-email.me>, The Natural Philosopher 
> <tnp@invalid.invalid> writes
>> On 09/04/2024 22:19, Adrian wrote:
>>> 40 was probably a one off (heat wave), but mid 30s occur every summer 
>>> month.
>>>  I've been looking at fan cases, but they all seem to prevent the use 
>>> of the HAT, which means I won't be able to find out what the ambient 
>>> temperature is.  I suppose I could design one of my own
>> Seriously, you don't need a fan.
>> Just a *ventilated* case.
>> I am designing a case for mine right now, featuring a complete grille 
>> in one end wall.
>> Experience shows that as long as hot air can escape and draw in cooler 
>> air, all will be well
> Thanks.
> There appear to be several likely looking cases on Thingiverse (other 
> sites available), so I suspect that I'll download one of those, and if 
> needs be tweak it for my needs.
I'll try and post mine somewhere. Finished it last night,. It's working 
well with two SSDS and a chip temp of around 65°C-75°C dependent on load.

$ vcgencmd measure_temp

Can you tweak STLs?

> Adrian

“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, 
diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.”
― Groucho Marx