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From: Justisaur <justisaur@yahoo.com>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action
Subject: Re: free Free (sort of) Deathloop on Prime!
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2024 05:47:26 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 4/2/2024 9:59 PM, rms wrote:
>> Kind of irritating you can't keep any weapons or powers.  I assume 
>> you're supposed to plan around getting them.  Kind of like groundhog 
>> day you keep learning things and trying things
>    If you haven't played The Forgotten City yet, take a look at it.  The 
> gameplay is exactly that, with each loop getting more and more 
> streamlined. Great game

I finished Deathloop last night.  There is a way to keep weapons and 
trinkets, one could say the game is in prelog before that point.  By the 
end of the game I was a near invincible death machine starting the loop.

I'm sure it was way longer than 16 hours.  Epic says I took 153 hours, 
but I left it open a lot, way more than other games because you can't 
save in the middle of an area which took about an hour at the beginning 
to get through (which is still really annoying, they could've had it 
just do constant overwriting saves like DS and had the same effect.)

I did quit at one point as I kept blowing one section after about 5 
hours lost on that, having to start it over each time.   I thought of 
something that might work so I got back to the game and got through that.

The puzzles where they had pointers and hints some I still couldn't 
figure out in a timely manner and I had to look up.  Not a lot though. 
There were a few side ones I never got, and one that was so complicated 
and required numerous going back and forth between different areas that 
I gave up after I looked it up.

I almost quit when I found out the antagonist's relationship to the 
protagonist, it was really rough.  I'll leave that out as a spoiler.

The game was thought provoking and I couldn't stop thinking about it 
this morning.  There's several things were I in the situation I'd want 
to try to get other people to remember (which you can't do in the game 
of course.)  Speaking of that, I was wrong about the other bosses 
remembering, they don't except for your antagonist and one other 
non-boss (that we know of by the end of the game.)

I'd recommend it strongly if you can get through the flaws.


The antagonist Juliana is your daughter.  Constantly having to kill or 
be killed by your daughter about broke me.  I finally got past it by 
thinking it's self defense, and you wake up the next morning anyway, and 
it's 'just a videogame.'

The end you can choose not to (or well in my case I thought I was in a 
cut scene and missed the opportunity, not that I would've anyway,) and 
continue the loop.

You 'repair' your relationship and become all chummy with her if you do 
that.  The protagonist is a horrible person if she's to be believed 
having killed her out of the blue in a drunken stupor as the first shot 
fired in their war against each other, which makes it fairly 
unbelievable to repair, but perhaps after some unknown time in loop 
she's either crazy or lonely enough to do so.


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