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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Chris <>
Subject: Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than
 Android when RCS messaging is involved
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2024 12:19:45 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 107
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Anonymous <> wrote:
> Chris wrote:
>> Anonymous <> wrote:
>>> Chris wrote:
>>>> Anonymous <> wrote:
>>>>> Chris wrote:
>>>>>> Anonymous <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Java Jive wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 04/04/2024 01:58, Hank Rogers wrote:
>>>>>>>>> So is trump. They are much alike and have never done anything wrong. Ever.
>>>>>>>>> Neither has ever committed a crime or screwed a customer or business partner.
>>>>>>>> That is provably untrue, in that Trump has already lost two civil cases,
>>>>>>>> wherein one of which a jury found him to be a rapist  -  in most civilised
>>>>>>>> people's view, that is both committing a crime and screwing someone.
>>>>>>> Losing a civil case is not the same as a criminal conviction.
>>>>>> The claim was the he "never done anything wrong". Losing a civil case is a
>>>>>> clear case of doing something wrong.
>>>>> No it's not. Anyone can sue anyone for anything.
>>>> And? If the court finds against you you've legally done something wrong.
>>> Not morally.
>> Are you saying that Trump has never done anything morally wrong? You've
>> completely lost any sense of reality.
>> At the very least he cheated on two of his wives. He sexually assaulted one
>> woman (probably more) and he defrauded several banks and the IRS.
> If he legitimately "knife to the throat" raped women, 

What the fuck does that mean?

> then why wasn't
> he criminally prosecuted? 

Like you said yourself the US system doesn't provide justice, especially
against rich, powerful men. Sexual assault hasn't been treated well by the
CJS for a long time. 

> If he defrauded the IRS, was he criminally
> charged?

Not yet. Here's hoping...

>>> The legal system very rarely has anything to do with
>>> actual justice.
>> In the US, I agree. You've got the system you all wanted.
>>>> Also the state DA isn't just anyone and fraud or defamation aren't just
>>>> anything.
>>>> If you or I defrauded a bank or insurance company we'd rightly be
>>>> prosecuted.
>>> Prosecuted under criminal statutes, not sued under civil.
>> Why? Civil law is just as important.
> Standards of proof in the civil system is not as rigorous as that
> in the criminal system.

Still evidence of wrongdoing. 

>>>> Why should it be any different for Trump?
>>> Nobody is saying it should be.
>> That's not true. You're saying he's done nothing wrong and shouldn't face
>> trial. The courts should decide.
>>>>>> Everyone is NYC has known for decades what kind of crook he is. If it
>>>>>> wasn't for the hundreds of millions of dollars he got from Fred he'd just
>>>>>> be pretty street criminal.
>>>>>>>> Further, he faces 91 further criminal charges in 4 separate cases,
>>>>>>> All politically-motivated persecutions.
>>>>>> Lol. I love how the right are strong on law and order until one of their
>>>>>> own is found wanting in that dept. Then it's "persecution". Hypocrites the
>>>>>> lot of them.
>>>>>> How people for that, I don't know.
>>>>> I want order. After that, we can have law. Instead, we have politically-
>>>>> motivated persecutions for made-up crimes,
>>>> Federal law and election law are made up now, are they? The right were
>>>> desperate for Biden to be arrested for exactly the same as Trump. Again,
>>>> it's one rule for you and different rules for others. That's not how fair
>>>> society works.
>>> There are countless laws that literally invent crimes and proscribe
>>> punishments when there is no concrete harm being done to anyone or
>>> anything.
>> Countless, really? Examples.

Notable you didn't answer this.