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Path: ...!!!panix!!not-for-mail
From: "Keith F. Lynch" <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.fandom
Subject: Re: Arrest made in bomb threat against con hotel
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2024 14:03:44 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: United Individualist
Message-ID: <uvbf00$gu5$>
References: <uv8i6i$1lnk6$> <uv94kc$dcg$> <uvb2ta$2a8hd$> <uvbcnc$81s$>
Injection-Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2024 14:03:44 -0000 (UTC)
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James Nicoll <> wrote:
> Gary McGath <> wrote:
>> Then maybe someone who was banned spread the litter-box stories to
>> gullible audiences in retaliation?

>> The litter boxes for my cats have always been gender-free.

Coincidentally, in today's news, I read of a woman in DC being shot
while emptying her cat's litter box:

> As I recall, it turned out some classrooms in the Jefferson County
> Public School District in Colorado do or did have litter boxes but
> not for the reason the alt-right claimed.  It was so that during
> routine school mass shootings, kids waiting their turn to be
> murdered would have somewhere to relieve themselves without
> spoiling the game by making a run for the bathroom.

As for "routine school mass shootings," the average American school
goes several thousand years between such shootings.  More school-aged
children drown in bathtubs than are killed in such shootings, but we
don't hear demands that adult possession of a bathtub be made a felony.

More school-aged children are killed by cops than by school mass
shootings, but kids don't have cop drills in which they're trained on
how to behave if they ever encounter a cop, to reduce their risk of
being killed or falsely convicted of a crime.  I could have benefited
from such a drill, as I had no idea that cops lie.

Lots of people who are shot by cops while trying to follow their
directions could have benefited from such a drill.  If cops are
pointing a gun at you, *freeze*, and do not move even if they order
you to.  That may increase your risk of a beating, tasing, or
resisting-arrest charge, but it will decrease the odds of your being
shot dead, since a trigger-happy cop may not notice that you're
following the orders of another cop.

The recent Crumbley verdicts and sentences, holding parents guilty
if their kid shoots up a school, will go a long way toward ensuring
that parents never again trust their children.  For every odd kid who
shoots up a school, there are a million odd kids who are perfectly
harmless, and whose childhoods will now be ruined by daily parental
interrogations and strip searches.
Keith F. Lynch -
Please see before emailing me.