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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: FPP <>
Subject: Re: Censorship of books in libraries
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2024 10:42:31 -0400
Organization: Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl Fhtagn.
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On 4/11/24 3:12 PM, The Horny Goat wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Apr 2024 10:43:22 -0400, FPP <> wrote:
>> Oh, for fuck's sake.  Banning books, banning drag shows, banning rainbow
>> flags, banning the words "climate change", Don't Say Gay bill, trying to
>> force Disney because they didn't like what they said.
>> Nobody believes you.
> Hardly - though I personally am not spending money on Disney for my
> granddaughter (who turns 2 within the next month) as frankly they're
> NOT the Disney of my childhood when my grandmother took me to my first
> movie (Mary Poppins)

Sure.  It's Dems that want to ban books. Right.

> Conservative book ban push fuels library exodus from national association that stands up for books.
> CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — After parents in a rural and staunchly conservative Wyoming county joined nationwide pressure on librarians to pull books they considered harmful to youngsters, the local library board obliged with new policies making such books a higher priority for removal — and keeping out of collections.
> But that’s not all the library board has done.
> Campbell County also withdrew from the American Library Association, in what’s become a movement against the professional organization that has fought against book bans.
> This summer, the state libraries in Montana, Missouri and Texas and the local library in Midland, Texas, announced they’re leaving the ALA, with possibly more to come. Right-wing lawmakers in at least nine other states — Arizona, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota and Wyoming — demand similar action.

Ya.  Dems, amirite?

> Conservative content bans move from classroom to web.
> A new report shared first with Axios finds that the same forces pushing book bans around the country are also pushing for more digital parental control legislation.
> Why it matters: While the two movements appear to be separate issues, the report suggests they're connected through Republican lawmakers' efforts to prevent children from seeing content they've deemed objectionable.
> Driving the news: Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee last week held a hearing to debate recent efforts by Republican lawmakers to ban public access to books in certain states.
> Democrats sought to defend access to books, arguing that stopping students from reading   books about antisemitism or racism doesn't help them understand history or protect them from persistent forms of hat
> Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) sought to make an example of the hearing by reading aloud risqué passages from public books with LGTBQ+ themes. Recordings of his reading went viral online.
> What's happening: The hearing was a response to a slew of new measures introduced by Republican state lawmakers to curb children's access to certain content.
> Texas Governor Greg Abbott approved a bill restricting access to sexual material deemed harmful to minors and requiring age verification for porn sites in June. Louisiana, Mississippi and Montana have similar laws.
> Gov. Abbott also signed a law that requires parents to give permission for children to access library materials with sexual content.
> Mississippi lawmakers passed a new law in April that limits minors from accessing ebooks via Libby and other library book apps without parental permission.
> By the numbers: According to the new report from Chamber of Progress, a left-leaning tech advocacy group, Texas, Utah, Arkansas, and Louisiana are among the leaders in banning books and enacting curriculum censorship, accounting for 31% of censorship laws since last year and 40% of book bans in 2022.
> Be smart: The crackdown on books aligns with a wider push by Republicans to limit conversations on hot-button issues like race, sexuality and the history of slavery in America.
> In Texas, another law prevents teaching materials about race that could make students feel guilt. In Utah, another law bans instruction implying individuals can be inherently racist or sexist.

Ya.  Dems, for sure!

"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC 
Bible  25B.G.

Gracie, age 6.