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Path: ...!!!!panix!!not-for-mail
From: (James Nicoll)
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.fandom
Subject: Re: Arrest made in bomb threat against con hotel
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2024 15:12:06 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: Public Access Networks Corp.
Message-ID: <uvbj06$jpf$>
References: <uv8i6i$1lnk6$> <uvb2ta$2a8hd$> <uvbcnc$81s$> <uvbg4d$2dcin$>
Injection-Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2024 15:12:06 -0000 (UTC)
Injection-Info:; posting-host="";
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Bytes: 3323
Lines: 53

In article <uvbg4d$2dcin$>,
Gary McGath  <> wrote:
>On 4/12/24 9:25 AM, James Nicoll wrote:
>> In article <uvb2ta$2a8hd$>, Gary McGath
>> <> wrote:
>>> Then maybe someone who was banned spread the litter-box stories to 
>>> gullible audiences in retaliation?
>>> The litter boxes for my cats have always been gender-free.
>> As I recall, it turned out some classrooms in the Jefferson County
>> Public School District in Colorado do or did have litter boxes but
>> not for the reason the alt-right claimed. It was so that during
>> routine school mass shootings, kids waiting their turn to be murdered
>> would have somewhere to relieve themselves without spoiling the game
>> by making a run for the bathroom.
>You've just illustrated another way such stories can come up: by the 
>game of telephone, where each retelling gets a few more points wrong.
>Here's the actual story:
>There weren't any "litter boxes" in the normal sense. The school set up 
>what they call "emergency go buckets," effectively an improvised revival 
>of the old chamber pot, with cat litter at the bottom.
>The school district never claimed school mass shootings were routine. 
>What may have become routine in some places is lockdowns on the 
>slightest excuse.
>Then there's this detail: "Food and candy are also included in the 
>Emergency Go Buckets to help those who may need sugar during the wait." 
>*In* them? Yuck, even if the buckets haven't been used yet.
>If a shooting was in progress, I wouldn't want to come out of hiding to 
>reach the bucket. If my pants needed changing afterwards, I doubt anyone 
>would blame me.

It now occurs to me the next time I have to shelter in place, I am going to 
do it in the 2nd floor washroom I know has a door wedge nearby. I am
also going to try very very hard not repeat the mistake I made last
time, which is to shelter in place in the same room as the armed 
person from whom I was sheltering in place from, in such a way as to
block all of his possible egresses. 

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