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Path: ...!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Daniel65 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho,
Subject: Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?
Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2024 20:11:13 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 31
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The Doctor wrote on 13/4/24 12:32 am:
> In article <uvb2ih$2a77s$>,
> Daniel65  <> wrote:
>> The Doctor wrote on 12/4/24 7:12 am:
>>> In article <uv9e56$1s12u$>, Arthur Lipscomb
>>> <> wrote:


>>>> I watched him in the 80s so I always thought of him as an 80s
>>>> Doctor. It's so weird looking back on it now and realizing he was
>>>> long gone by the time I started to watch.  Even in the early 90s
>>>> his episodes were still being rerun, probably more than the later
>>>> Doctors.  I think by the McCoy took over my local PBS station was
>>>> getting them pretty close to the U.K. airings and that just
>>>> reinforced the idea that I had always been watching them close to
>>>> real time.
>>> Still We got to see more of the Doctor than the UK
>> Sorry!! WHAT?? "We" ...... "the UK"!! HAD YOU, a%e, already been
>> kicked out of the U.K. by to 1980's??
>> If so, well done, U.K.!!
> Obviously REd-beard in not aware of the PBS deal in North America!

SORRY!! WHAT has 'the PBS deal in North America' got to do with WHEN 
YOU, asswipe, got kicked out of the U.K., asswipe??