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Path: ...!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Daniel65 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho,
Subject: Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2024 20:24:08 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 39
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The Doctor wrote on 13/4/24 11:37 pm:
> In article <uvdlo1$2ut31$>, Daniel65
> <> wrote:
>> The Doctor wrote on 13/4/24 12:32 am:
>>> In article <uvb2ih$2a77s$>, Daniel65
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> The Doctor wrote on 12/4/24 7:12 am:
>>>>> In article <uv9e56$1s12u$>, Arthur Lipscomb 
>>>>> <> wrote:
>> <Snip>
>>>>>> I watched him in the 80s so I always thought of him as an
>>>>>> 80s Doctor. It's so weird looking back on it now and
>>>>>> realizing he was long gone by the time I started to watch.
>>>>>> Even in the early 90s his episodes were still being rerun,
>>>>>> probably more than the later Doctors.  I think by the McCoy
>>>>>> took over my local PBS station was getting them pretty
>>>>>> close to the U.K. airings and that just reinforced the idea
>>>>>> that I had always been watching them close to real time.
>>>>> Still We got to see more of the Doctor than the UK
>>>> Sorry!! WHAT?? "We" ...... "the UK"!! HAD YOU, asswipe, already
>>>> been kicked out of the U.K. by to 1980's??
>>>> If so, well done, U.K.!!
>>> Obviously REd-beard in not aware of the PBS deal in North
>>> America!
>> SORRY!! WHAT has 'the PBS deal in North America' got to do with
>> WHEN YOU, asswipe, got kicked out of the U.K., asswipe??
> No correlation Idlehands paedo-mouth red-beard!

So WHY did YOU, asswipe, bring it up, asswipe??