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From: Tom Bola <Tom@bolamail.etc>
Newsgroups: sci.math
Subject: Re: how
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 21:48:02 +0200
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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WM schrieb:
> Le 16/04/2024 à 18:38, Mike Terry a écrit :
>> On 16/04/2024 16:05, WM wrote:
>>> Le 16/04/2024 à 02:35, Mike Terry a écrit :
>>>> On 15/04/2024 14:00, Tom Bola wrote:
>>>>> 0, 1, 2, 3, ...,   w,   w+1,   w+2,   w+3, ...     w+w
>>>>> |  |  |  |  |||    |     |      |      
>>>>> |            |
>>>>> 0, 2, 4, 6, ..., w*2, w*2+2, w*2+4, w*2+6, ... w*2+w*2
>>>> Should be:
>>>> 0, 1, 2, 3, ...,   w,   w+1,   w+2,   w+3, ...     w+w
>>>> |  |  |  |  |||    |     |      |      
>>>> |            |
>>>> 0, 2, 4, 6, ..., w*2, w*2+1, w*2+2, w*2+3, ... w*2+w*2
>>> No. (ω+1)*2 = ω*2 + 2
>> No, you need to learn how ordinal arithmetic works:
> I see: 1 + ω = ω.
> Nevertheless the question remains where in the second row is ω located, 
> doesn't it?.

NOPE - because w is not in the IMAGE of your f(ord) = 2*ord 

Das Bild deiner Verdoppelungsfunktion enthält das w nicht, sondern 
das w ist im Urbild, und im Bild der Funktion ist dann STATTDESSEN 
w*2 drin -- Bitte kapier das nun endlich mal!