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From: "rms" <rsquiresMOO@MOOflashMOO.net>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action
Subject: Re: Low Review #s good / unusual games.
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 17:44:19 -0600
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>What are your favorite games with low numbers of reviews?
   Well this one has 1300 reviews, so close.  But I liked my review of it :) 
so I'll repost it here:

I'll give a strong thumbsup for this first-person sci-fi horror 
adventure-action (mostly adventure) title. This is a dark thriller set in an 
underground research center, with several visits to mythic other-worlds 
along the way, as you slowly discover your purpose and help combat an evil 
force that has seized control of the base.

The theme here is all Norse mythology, and you'll find yourself more and 
more immersed in this mythos as you proceed deeper into the base. The 
soundscape intensifies this immersion, as you are surrounded by distant 
screams, squishy goo and other effects, and a very good musical soundtrack 
with ethereal chants or driving Viking drumbeats. Liken Apsulov to something 
of a mix of Soma and Hellblade: Senuas's Sacrifice, and you'll have a sense 
of the atmosphere.

Levels are quite dark -- I'd definitely play at night with headphones. And 
turn down difficulty, as combat is not the focus here and you'll be avoiding 
enemies until later, when a weapon is acquired. The story is partially 
revealed through audiotapes scattered throughout, so take the time to look 
for and listen to these. My one complaint would be a somewhat maze-like 
quality to the levels, and pathfinding will consume some of your playtime, 
but the total length of the game is 5-7 hours, so this is not a big deal.

I paid $16 the last sale, and feel it's worth the full price of $20. 
Apsulov: End of Gods is only the second game (behind Control) I've fully 
played through this year, and I chose well. Thanks to Angry Demon Studio for 
an enjoyable couple evenings battling the Trickster God!
