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From: Your Name <>
Subject: Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 18:40:29 +1200
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 2024-04-18 06:20:37 +0000, The Real Bev said:
> On 4/17/24 10:18 AM, Alan wrote:
>> On 2024-04-17 10:05, The Real Bev wrote:
>>> On 4/15/24 11:48 PM, Chris wrote:
>>>> Pre-empirically carrying a gun is not "self-defence". Its weakness.
>>>> Billions of people are quite capable of not becoming a victim without
>>>> needing guns for "self-defence".
>>> Yes, screaming I AM NOT A VICTIM at the thug with a knife will 
>>> definitely send him on his way abashed and save Granny from being 
>>> harmed. Or perhaps you were thinking of the umbrella with the sharpened 
>>> tip?
>> You still haven't explained why the US has so many more deaths than
>> other countries similar to it.
> I have no idea why.  Do you?  Perhaps we are just violent people.
> Given that this is true, how do we best protect ourselves when law 
> enforcement is too far away to be protective?
> A few nights ago a guy pulled a knife on a woman, forced her to drive 
> to a different location and raped her.  This happened a few blocks 
> away. What should she have done?

Same as any women in the other 99% of countries that do not have 
gun-obessessed idiots.  :-\

Most people in the world have enough sense to know that owning a gun 
achieves absolutely nothing, so don't want one and don't need one. 
Americans (and it's only a loud-mouthed minority of those!) don't have 
that simple sense.