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From: Tom Bola <Tom@bolamail.etc>
Newsgroups: sci.math
Subject: Re: how
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 17:42:28 +0200
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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WM drivels bullshit:

> Le 18/04/2024 à 01:41, Tom Bola a écrit :
>> Also, there is no spacing defined in sets (like image and preimage) 
>> except N, Z, Q, R is used, which is not the case here because the 
>> (ordered) collection of ordinal numbers and limit ordinals do are 
>> neither existing nor defined on an equidistant scale (or row of points).
> ω is amidst the interval (0, ω2) because in the image 

The image is a set and not an interval.

The image is 
THE SET {0,2,4,6,...,w*2,...} under f(o)=2*o of the domain, 
THE SET {0,1,2,3,...,w,...}. 

There are no intervals. 

Here is a graphical representation of the ordinal numbers 


Get that already, imbecile clown.