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From: FPP <>
Subject: Re: I've Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here's How We Lost America's
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 12:25:43 -0400
Organization: Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl Fhtagn.
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On 4/17/24 4:25 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
> In article <uvpahr$1pljv$>,
>   "Adam H. Kerman" <> wrote:
>> Crosspost to newsgroups Ubi doesn't read cut
>> BTR1701 <> wrote:
>>> Ubiquitous <> wrote:
>> The essay that Ubi the shithead plagarized is this:
>> I've Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here's How We Lost America's Trust.
>> Uri Berliner, a veteran at the public radio institution, says the
>> network lost its way when it started telling listeners how to think.
>> By Uri Berliner
>> The Free Press (on Substack)
>> April 9, 2024
>>> Excellent analysis of the pervasiveness of 'progressive' bias and
>>> enforcement of ideological rigor in the legacy media. And coming from a
>>> liberal at NPR, it cuts off the typical blame-the-messenger tactic
>>> employed by the Effas of the world at the knees.
>> The messenger was blamed, and cut off at the knees.
>> NPR suspends veteran editor as it grapples with his public criticism
> The go-to move of the Left: censor, ban, fire, suspend any viewpoint
> that counters the Agenda.

You mean the journalist who lied?  Sure did!

> Some of Berliner's NPR colleagues also took issue with the essay, with "Morning Edition" host Steve Inskeep writing on his Substack that the article was "filled with errors and omissions."
> "The errors do make NPR look bad, because it's embarrassing that an NPR journalist would make so many,"
> He also took NPR for task for what he said was failing to report developments related to Hunter Biden's laptop. "With the election only weeks away, NPR turned a blind eye," Berliner wrote.

> NPR also accused Berliner of releasing “proprietary information” about the network’s demographics in his now viral essay.
> Berliner was told he would be fired if he violated the policy again, according to an official rebuke that he provided to NPR for its report on his suspension. Berliner told NPR that he did not plan on appealing the suspension.

And he was out and out full of shit, as one of his colleagues explained:

> The article made headlines for Uri’s claim that he “looked at voter registration for our newsroom” in Washington, D.C., and found his “editorial” colleagues were unanimously registered Democrats—87 Democrats, 0 Republicans.
> I am a prominent member of the newsroom in Washington. If Uri told the truth, then I could only be a registered Democrat. I held up a screenshot of my voter registration showing I am registered with “no party.” Some in the crowd gasped. Uri had misled them.
> NPR says its content division has 662 people around the world, including far more than 87 in Washington. The article never disclosed this context. (NPR doesn’t ask employees about their voter registration; I don’t know how Uri learned the 87 registrations he says he found.)
> When I asked Uri, he said he “couldn’t care less” that I am not a Democrat. He said the important thing was the “aggregate”—exactly what his 87-0 misrepresented by leaving out people like me. While it’s widely believed that most mainstream journalists are Democrats, I’ve had colleagues that I was pretty sure were conservative (I don’t ask), and I’ve learned just since Uri’s article that I am one of several NPR hosts of “no party” registration.

He was suspended FOR CAUSE.  Because, as a journalist, he failed 
Journalism 101.

"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC 
Bible  25B.G.

Gracie, age 6.