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From: Arthur Lipscomb <>
Subject: Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-17 (Wednesday)
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 11:39:47 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 4/18/2024 6:33 AM, shawn wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Apr 2024 06:16:41 -0700, "Ian J. Ball" <ijball@mac.invalid>
> wrote:
>> On 4/18/24 1:30 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
>>> What did you watch?
>> My long workday, so just soaps.
>> And I don't really feel like recapping much...
>> On DOOL (Wed's ep), Constantine discovers that his "Pawn" card is
>> missing, and nearly loses it. But dumb Maggie offers to marry the bum,
>> to keep him 'in country'. [roll] (Constantine = JACKPOT!!) Meanwhile,
>> dumb Paulina busts out of the hospital, to rescue Chanel (which she does
>> - disappointingly, no Clyde is involved...), but Paulina irradiates
>> everyone in so doing!!
>> On GH (Tues' ep), basically nothing important happened at all. Though it
>> was revealed that Sonny and Brick did indeed have Agent John/Jagger
>> Cates roughed up. Meanwhile, Trina forces Josslyn and Dex to talk - they
>> look to be well on their way to getting back together.
>> And that was it - I was muoy tired, and went to bed early.
>> What did you watch?
> I watched SURVIVOR where they had one of the wildest Tribal Councils.
> They had a plan going in but Q threw that out by volunteering to be
> voted out because he felt like the likely target shouldn't have been
> targeted. Which ended up with yet another surprising vote that was a
> blind side of the player being voted out.

What in the world was up with that council?!?  I was half asleep by the 
end, but didn't they vote out the original target?

I also have to say deciding who to vote out based on how they play "hide 
and seek" is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard.

> In addition I watched an older animated flick JUSTICE LEAGUE VS TEEN
> TITANS. In this film we have Trigon again trying to escape and rejoin
> with Raven. In this film he manages to get influence on Earth and use
> that to take over members of the Justice League. Things go badly until
> they go better.

I have several animated DC films waiting to be watched.  Normally I 
would watch them as soon as I got them, but I've developed a bit of a 

> What did you watch?

I watched:

Shōgun (FX) - "Chapter Nine: Crimson Sky" - Penultimate episode.  This 
was an excellent episode.  I especially loved the sequence when Mariko 
tries to leave.  "Kill him for me."  "It was an honor to die for you." 
Next week better be an hour long all out battle or else!  That and 
Blackthorne better finally get to sale his ship in battle!

Fallout (Amazon Prime) - "The Radio" and "The Beginning" - Last two 
episodes of the season.  As best I can tell, they answered all the 
questions raised during the season.  They explained the truth behind the 
vaults, what (and who) caused the apocalypse, how some people are 
walking around hundreds of years after the war, and more.  It is really 
refreshing to have a series wrap up all the mysteries by the end of the 
season while leaving plenty of room for more stories next season.