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From: Kyonshi <gmkeros@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action
Subject: Re: FREE GAMES: "Big Con" and "Twon of Salem II"
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2024 17:08:02 +0200
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 4/19/2024 4:11 PM, Justisaur wrote:
> On 4/18/2024 8:42 AM, Spalls Hurgenson wrote:
>> Oh, hello there. I didn't see you come in. I was just perusing the
>> Epic Game Store. It's Thursday, you see, and - you may not be aware of
>> this - every Thursday there are free games being offered to anyone
>> lucky enough to stumble upon them. Don't believe me? Take a look!
>> * The Big Con
>> https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/the-big-con
>>      A weird comic-strip style adventure game about
>>      drifting across America as a teenager, running
>>      cons to try to raise enough money for the family
>>      store. It's rife with 'nostalgia' for the 90s and
>>      is a 'coming of age' story with otherwise fairly
>>      standard adventure-game mechanics. Not sure it's
>>      my cuppa, to be honest.
> This one looks mildly interesting.  My first thought it, ugh, I don't 
> want to play a con-artist.  My second thought was I rather enjoyed some 
> of the GTAs, so maybe I'm o.k. playing one.

yeah, I had the same thought. It might be interesting to people, but not 
to me right now. But I can't say I never will be interested either.
But considering the sheer amount of unplayed games I have I doubt I will 
ever really touch it.

>> * Town of Salem II
>> https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/town-of-salem-2-ab6497
>>      One of many Indie games - ranging from 'Among Us' to
>>      "The Ship" - where the goal is to identify the one
>>      player who is the nefarious villain while avoiding
>>      being accused (or worse) yourself. This one has a
>>      cutesy aesthetic set in the era of America's Salem
>>      Witch Trials. Online only, of course. Definitely
>>      not my cup of tea!
> Pure trash.  I picked it up because I was on epic anyway.  For the number.