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From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: From the Archives .....
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2024 22:17:23 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 44
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 <uvtu0p$2f38$> <>
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The True Doctor wrote on 20/4/24 5:25 am:
> On 19/04/2024 19:53, Blueshirt wrote:
>> The Doctor wrote:
>>> In article <uvtoin$30ajm$>,
>>> The True Doctor  <> wrote:
>>>> On 19/04/2024 13:13, Daniel70 wrote:
>>>>> So it would seem that Chris Chibnall was not the first to
>>>>> suggest that there had been many re-generations PRIOR to
>>>>> Hartnell (over and above the "The Brain of Morbius"
>>>>> confusion).
>>>> The Deadly Assassin which was 3 series earlier firmly
>>>> establishes a limit of 12 regenerations and that is repeated
>>>> by both the Doctor and the Master in The Keeper of Traken,
>>>> the 4th Doctor's penultimate story.
>>> Good facts AGA!

WHAT FACTS, asswipe?? Aggy just typed a STATEMENT!!

>> Neither of you can handle the fact that Doctor Who has evolved
>> over the years and things change. Doctor Who will never be the
>> TV show it was in 1976 regardless of how much spitting of
>> dummies out of the pram happens. Life changes, people change,
>> the Doctor changes... that is the real fact here.
> Doctor Who ended in 2017. Up to 2017 the Doctor was the same character 
> he was in 1963.
> In literature following the principles of good writing character's 
> origin stories do not change and must never change. Superman was born on 
> Krypton to Dur-El and sent to Earth in order to save his life when the 
> planet exploded. He was then found and adopted by Jonathan and Martha 
> Kent and because of how they brought him up used his powers to help 
> others. He was not created to be a monster by being experimented on, 
> tortured, and murdered as a child in order to bring about the end of 
> civilisation. That character is Doomsday not Superman. The Doctor is the 
> Doctor not the Timeless Child.
Ummm!! Let me think ...... how many times has The Doctor (of EITHER sex) 
brought about the end of Civilisation??? Thinking!! Thinking!!