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From: The True Doctor <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: From the Archives .....
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 01:29:46 +0100
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 21/04/2024 20:34, Blueshirt wrote:
> The True Doctor wrote:
>> On 20/04/2024 22:05, Blueshirt wrote:
>>> Robert Holmes re-wrote the script as you well know and it was
>>> the intent of the Production team of that story that those
>>> were the faces of the Doctor. When you watched "The Brain of
>>> Morbius" as a child, that was the intent behind that scene.
>> Nope. When I watched the story as a child the faces were
>> presumed to be those of Morbius as he was winning.
> You were very clever then wasn't you, as that's not what the
> intention behind that scene was, as you know. However, as I said

It is what Terrance Dick's intention was. The were playing a mind game 
which to most children would imply something like a quiz show where the 
would have to answer difficult questions. And in quiz shows when the 
contestant is first to be buzzer and gives the correct answer it's their 
face that appears on screen. Morbius got the most questions right and 
was first to the buzzer so his faces appear on screen the most. That is 
the impression most children and most adults would have got.

> to Dave, people are free to take whatever interpretation they
> want to from that scene, it doesn't change what the original
> intent was. If people had read the Target novel first, before
> watching the story on VHS or DVD (etc.), the idea that those
> faces were pre-Hartnell Doctors would be a strange proposition
> indeed. So I can accept that point of view.

The idea that those faces would be pre-Hartnell Doctors would be a 
strange proposition to anyone who had ever watched the show at all.

By the principles off good writing if the intention was that they were 
pre-Hartnell Doctors then they should have been shown or foreshadowed 
earlier in the episode, since no one had seen them before, and the 
existence of pre-Hartnell regeneration should have been clearly stated 
from the start. It wasn't.

> But trying to say that the producer of "The Brain of Morbius"
> didn't intend for them to be the faces of 'The Doctor' when
> those episodes were filmed is historical revisionism.

Of course he didn't intend them to be the Doctor otherwise he would have 
done his job properly and made it abundantly clear. With no 
foreshadowing or pre-revelation the majority of the audience would have 
presumed them to be Morbius.

>> Bi-generation is out of a Bugs Bunny cartoon and cannot be
>> accepted as being canon.
> You make your own 'canon', or continuity... if you don't like
> something in Doctor Who, just ignore it. I'm happy to do that.
> Life is too short to get over-excited about what a TV producer
> decides to do in an episode of a show.
>> Doctor Who ended in 2017.
> I look forward to your reviews of the new Doctor Who episodes in
> three weeks time. Oh hang on, it is 2024 right?! ;-)

7 years and still no Doctor Who on screen at all and no return in sight. 
That's almost as long as we had between Survival and the TVM.

The True Doctor

"To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it 
stands for." -William Shatner