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Path: ...!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: From the Archives .....
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 20:01:26 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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The True Doctor wrote on 23/4/24 5:03 am:
> On 22/04/2024 12:06, Daniel70 wrote:
>> Blueshirt wrote on 22/4/24 5:34 am:
>>> The True Doctor wrote:
>>>> On 20/04/2024 22:05, Blueshirt wrote:
>>>>> Robert Holmes re-wrote the script as you well know and it was
>>>>> the intent of the Production team of that story that those
>>>>> were the faces of the Doctor. When you watched "The Brain of
>>>>> Morbius" as a child, that was the intent behind that scene.
>>>> Nope. When I watched the story as a child the faces were
>>>> presumed to be those of Morbius as he was winning.
>>> You were very clever then wasn't you, as that's not what the
>>> intention behind that scene was, as you know. However, as I said
>>> to Dave, people are free to take whatever interpretation they
>>> want to from that scene, it doesn't change what the original
>>> intent was. If people had read the Target novel first, before
>>> watching the story on VHS or DVD (etc.), the idea that those
>>> faces were pre-Hartnell Doctors would be a strange proposition
>>> indeed. So I can accept that point of view.
>>> But trying to say that the producer of "The Brain of Morbius"
>>> didn't intend for them to be the faces of 'The Doctor' when
>>> those episodes were filmed is historical revisionism.
>> Did I read someone here or was it in the UseNet Archives??....
>> Did someone post that in 'The Brain of Morbius' there are actually TWO 
>> SCREENS and The Doctor is viewing one of these screens, seeing all 
>> those faces flash past.
> There is only one screen. See 
>> So, I presume, Morbius could be watching the other screen, also seeing 
>> faces flash past.
> No. The screen is in the middle between them. The BBC probably intended 
> it to be a 3D projection but the effects are too simple to make that 
> look realistic enough.

Ah!! O.K., I thought I had read that there were (at least) two screens.