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Path: ...!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: The True Doctor <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: From the Archives .....
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2024 03:21:06 +0100
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 43
Message-ID: <v0cemk$2p63j$>
References: <uvtn5t$30593$> <v0881g$1ju4d$>
 <v08ecc$11mq$> <v09h5j$1th3u$>
 <v09top$2006$> <>
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On 24/04/2024 22:49, Blueshirt wrote:
> The Doctor wrote:
>> In article <v09h5j$1th3u$>,
>> The Last Doctor  <> wrote:
>>> The Doctor <> wrote:
>>>> Chibnall's revisions must be retconned!
>>> As shown above, Chibnall’s Timeless Child narrative can be
>>> made to be completely consistent with the entire history of
>>> the show. It was crafted that way.
>>> It’s awfully convoluted and contrived, and completely
>>> unnecessary. But it hasn’t harmed the show.
>>> So be like Elsa, and let it go.
>> I doubt anything in the Timeless Child is accurate!
> How can it be inaccurate? The "Timeless Child" was created and
> written by the Doctor Who Executive Producer and broadcast on
> BBC1. You can't get anything more legitimate. Therefore it can't
> be inaccurate and the Timeless Child has become part of Doctor
> Who lore.

Wrong! Bobby was shot dead in a series made by the Executive Producer of 
Dallas. Except it never happened.

> YOU may not like the idea. I may not like the idea. But it is
> officially part of the show... and it's not likely to change
> anytime soon. (Based on what we've seen from RTD so far.)

No it isn't. It's not canon and it's not part of Doctor Who. Doctor Who 
ended in 2017.

The True Doctor

"To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it 
stands for." -William Shatner