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From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: From the Archives .....
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 14:57:19 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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 <v0de81$r6i$> <>
 <v0ej39$29l3$> <v0f2lr$3ejhl$>
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The True Doctor wrote on 26/4/24 12:14 pm:
> On 25/04/2024 22:48, The Doctor wrote:
>> In article <>,
>> Blueshirt <> wrote:
>>> The Doctor wrote:
>>>> In article <v0d8g9$2u99b$>,
>>>> Daniel70  <> wrote:
>>>>> The True Doctor wrote on 25/4/24 5:27 am:
>>>>>> Chibnall hated Doctor Who so much that he destroyed it for
>>>>>> every. No one one can watch it at all.
>>>>> Sorry, Aggy, but I think you might have forgotten the "IMHO"
>>>>> or something!! I mean, obviously PEOPLE ARE WATCHING!!
>>>> IYIO
>>> What a stupid response. Why do you - a grown man - have to act
>>> like an imbecile all the time? Episodes of Doctor Who get
>>> viewers in the multiple millions, so when Daniel says "People
>>> are watching", that is clearly a fact. So how can IYIO be a
>>> logical response?
>>> Stop being an idiot Dave, you are not impressing your buddy
>>> Agamemnon. If you've nothing useful to contribute to a proper
>>> Doctor Who discussion, go and do something more useful with your
>>> time instead. Like playing with the traffic...
>> WEll if you do not like it, simply do not reply.
> Doctor Who's corpse is being defiled by RTD and people cannot remain 
> silent. Even in death the Doctor cannot be allowed to rest in peace.
If people were making reasonable, intellectual, responses to the posts 
here, fair enough, but if people are just posting dribble so as to 
increase their All-Important Post Count (and to piss everybody else off 
of course), well I, for one, wish they'd stop!!