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From: The True Doctor <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: From the Archives .....
Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2024 18:05:35 +0100
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 27/04/2024 08:03, Blueshirt wrote:
> The True Doctor wrote:
>> On 26/04/2024 12:35, Blueshirt wrote:
>>> There is no official Doctor Who canon.
>> Yes there is. William Hartnell is the first Doctor and there
>> are no incarnations of the Doctor before him. This is canon
>> set and reinforced by The Unearthly Child, The Tenth Planet,
>> Power of the Daleks, The War Games, Spearhead from Space, The
>> Three Doctors, Planet of the Spiders, Robot, The Brain of
>> Morbius, The Deadly Assassin, The Underworld, The Invasion of
>> Time, The Keeper of Traken, Logopolis, Mawdrin Undead, The
>> Five Doctors, The Caves of Androzani, Time and the Rani, the
>> TVM, The Family of Blood, The Next Doctor, The End of Time,
>> The Eleventh Hour, almost every single episode featuring the
>> 11th Doctor onwards, The Name of the Doctor, The Night of the
>> Doctor, The Day of the Doctor, The Time of the Doctor, Listen,
>> and Twice Upon A Time.
> Twice Upon A Time? That's your idea of Doctor Who 'canon'?
> Well that's funny, as that is the episode where a male
> incarnation of the Doctor regenerates into a female incarnation
> of the Doctor. I'm glad to see you accept that.

Twice Upon A Time reaffirms that the 1st Doctor has never regenerated 
before ever. Whittaker is ejected from the TARDIS indicating that she is 
an imposter and not Capladi's successor. This metaphorically symbolizes 
the ultimate death of the Doctor and that everything after The Fall of 
the Doctor is a hallucination before the Doctor dies. That's why 
everything descends into complete and utter nonsense from Whittaker, to 
the Timeless Child monster, to Isaac Newton being Indian, to 
bigeneration, to a circus mallet causing the TARDIS to duplicate itself 
like in a cartoon.

> If the TV show is 'your' idea of what Doctor Who canon is, don't
> forget to include episodes like The Woman Who Fell to Earth,
> Spyfall, Fugitive of the Judoon, The Timeless Children (etc.)
> They are all episodes of Doctor Who broadcast on BBC1. (You
> watched them and gave us your thoughts of those episodes in
> posts here.)

None of these episodes represent canon. They are not from Doctor Who but 
fan fiction depicting the Doctor's ruptured mind and the insanity of thw 

> So either there's a canon, or there's episodes you cherry pick
> to suit yourself as to what 'counts'? Which would mean there's
> no actual canon then. You can't have it both ways!

See above. The Doctor dies at the end of The Fall of the Doctor on the 
event horizon of a black hole, which as everyone knows freezes time and 
is impossible to escape from.

>>> no official non-canon. BUT, if there was such a thing as
>>> Doctor Who canon, the Fugitive Doctor would be considered
>>> part of it!
>> No they wouldn't as they would contradict all the above
>> episodes and ask for belief in a totally unbelievably
>> conspiracy theory which erases all Doctor Who continuity
>> entirely and replaces it with something completely different.
> You say contradict, I say overwritten...

You have got to be totally out of your mind and completely insane to 
believe such a conspiracy theory that defies all the laws of logic, 
reason, and story writing.

> Doctor Who continuity is not one straight line where every
> single thing fits! How can it be when it's a show about an alien
> that can travel backwards and forwards through time?

If you are required to believe a totally degenerate and nonsensical 
conspiracy that erases everything you knew about the main protagonist 
and turns him into a completely different character then it is clear 
that the writer doesn't have a clue how to write and if you believe 
these lies then you mind has totally rotted.

>> No one in their right mind would believe such a thing, just
>> like no one in this group accepted War of the Daleks except
>> John Peel who write it, and the retcon of the entire series
>> required by the Timeless Child monster is infinitely worse
>> beyond measure.
> The War of the Daleks was a book, part of the expanded
> universe. (A very poor book, but that's another discussion.) It
> was not a television episode of Doctor Who. The Timeless
> Children - and associated episodes - were. So clearly there is a
> difference.

The Timeless Children is degenerate fan fiction and mind rot. It is not 
part of Doctor Who in any way, shape, or form. Everything from prior 
Doctor Who canon contradicts it and no one can be expected to believe it 
and erase everything that went before it.

>>> Or they have watched Doctor Who in recent years and seen a
>>> pre-Hartnell incarnation.
>> There has never been a pre-Hartnell incarnation. William
>> Hartnell is the First and Original Doctor as stated in The
>> Five Doctors and is implicit in all of the above stories I
>> named.
> ... and overwritten years later as the show evolved.
> New producers, new ideas. What's the point in a TV show having a
> showrunner if he can't make changes to the show he's running?!

A showrunner cannot change a show so that it's not long the show he 
started off with. Doctor Who ended in 2017. The degeneracy that came 
with Whittaker is not Doctor Who.

>>> But you can believe in an alien that can change his face,
>> Nothing wrong with that. Anyone could change their face with
>> plastic surgery, even before Doctor Who was even concieved.
> Their whole body and clothes at the same time? That's some
> surgery!!!

Whittaker's clothes regenerating into those of Tennant is more evidence 
of the death of the Doctor at the end of The Doctor Falls after his mind 
has been obliterated. No one could possibly believe such a stupidity.

>>> his gender, his skin colour, can travel around time and space
>> We have never seen the Doctor change his gender ever,
> Twice Upon a Time (2017)

This does not show the Doctor changing gender. Whittaker is seen by the 
TARDIS as an imposter and promptly ejected. This symbolizes the Doctor's 
death in The Fall of the Doctor.

>> not his skin colour.
> The Giggle (2023)

We never saw the Doctor in the Giggle any more than we saw him in a Bugs 
Bunny cartoon. The Doctor has always been depicted as a British white 
heterosexual male character.

>> The only thing we have seen
> You don't seem to have seen much. Obviously you spend way too
> much time reading the Target novels and not paying attention to
> what's actually happening on-screen in proper episodes of Doctor
> Who if you've never seen the above two changes happen.

There have been no proper episodes of Doctor Who since Twice Upon A Time.

The True Doctor

"To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it 
stands for." -William Shatner