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Path: ...!!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Idlehands <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: From the Archives .....
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2024 20:21:37 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 73
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 <> <v0kf8m$r9ud$>
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On 2024-04-28 6:54 p.m., The True Doctor wrote:
> On 29/04/2024 01:11, Idlehands wrote:
>> On 2024-04-28 6:05 p.m., The True Doctor wrote:
>>> On 28/04/2024 12:45, Blueshirt wrote:
>>>> The Doctor wrote:
>>>>> In article <v0kf8m$r9ud$>,
>>>>> The True Doctor  <> wrote:
>>>>>> Fiction has to make sense in order to be believed. Where is
>>>>>> the face of Doctor Ruth if she came directly before Hartnell
>>>>>> according to Chibnall and Big Finish? The least Chibnall
>>>>>> could have done is chosen a white male actor to play the
>>>>>> Timeless Child monster if he claims it was one of the faces
>>>>>> shown in The Brain of Morbius.
>>>>> Exactly!
>>>> So Dave, "fiction has to make sense to be believed" does it?
>>>> Explain the bible then...
>>> Unlike the pile of shit written by Chibnall the Bible does make sense 
>>> and people can tell you exactly how it was written, when it was 
>>> written, which books and chapters were written first and in which 
>>> order, which paragraphs came from which sources, which were added or 
>>> changed later and how and why they were changed, which real 
>>> historical events they actually depict, which primary historical 
>>> records say the same thing, who reigned at which time, and there's no 
>>> requirement to believe a totally ridiculous conspiracy theory to hold 
>>> it all together. Adam is always the same Adam, Noah the same Noah, 
>>> Abraham the same Abraham, Moses the same Moses, Solomon the same 
>>> Solomon, Elijah the same Elijah, Daniel the same Daniel, Jesus the 
>>> same Jesus, Peter the same Peter, and Paul the same Paul, not some 
>>> monster created from an abused child from another dimension. And 
>>> different tellings of their stories in different books don't change 
>>> any of these characters or who or what they are perceived to be. If 
>>> you can't understand that then you are mentally retarded.
>> thus spake the poster child for mental retardation....
>> Not to mention homophobia, transphobia and just plain old stupidity.
>> For one so "intelligent" he sure has trouble separating myth from fact 
>> and reality from fiction.
> So speaks the bigoted mentally handicapped retarded.
> Archaeological evidence exists for Hezekiah, his father, and for other 
> biblical kings. You don't understand myth, you don't understand fiction, 
> you don't understand literature, you don't understand how to writer, you 
> don't understand history, and you don't understand anything. You are 
> nothing more than an ignorant brainwashed fool.

"you don't understand how to writer"

That about sums up your bullshit and delusions of grandeur, I mean 
you're the same idiot who claimed that all Bibles are identical.

So spare me you condemnation, it means much less then a fart in a force 
9 gale.

Facisim:  The first step is to fascinate fools and muzzle the intelligent

Bertrand Russell