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From: The True Doctor <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: From the Archives .....
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2024 20:41:20 +0100
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 29/04/2024 14:52, Blueshirt wrote:
> The True Doctor wrote:
>> On 28/04/2024 12:45, Blueshirt wrote:
>>> So Dave, "fiction has to make sense to be believed" does it?
>>> Explain the bible then...
>> Unlike the pile of shit written by Chibnall the Bible does
>> make sense and people can tell you exactly how it was written,
>> when it was written, which books and chapters were written
>> first and in which order, which paragraphs came from which
>> sources, which were added or changed later and how and why
>> they were changed, which real historical events they actually
>> depict, which primary historical records say the same thing,
>> who reigned at which time, and there's no requirement to
>> believe a totally ridiculous conspiracy theory to hold it all
>> together. Adam is always the same Adam, Noah the same Noah,
>> Abraham the same Abraham, Moses the same Moses, Solomon the
>> same Solomon, Elijah the same Elijah, Daniel the same Daniel,
>> Jesus the same Jesus, Peter the same Peter, and Paul the same
>> Paul, not some monster created from an abused child from
>> another dimension. And different tellings of their stories in
>> different books don't change any of these characters or who or
>> what they are perceived to be. If you can't understand that
>> then you are mentally retarded.
> Well I must be mentally retarded so... which means I will fit in
> well here amongst some other like-minded people.
> No I don't believe in a virgin birth, death and resurrection
> three days later, turning water in to wine, walking on water,
> women being created from the rib of a man, a talking Donkey, an
> ark with two of every species on the world surviving a great
> flood... (etc.) I don't just call this fiction that doesn't make
> sense, I call it BULLSHIT!
> And only simple minded people believe in such nonsense.
> If you are one of those people, then that explains everything!!!

More evidence provided by you proving that you are mentally retarded and 
have no understanding of anything you are talking about.

Virgin as used in the Bible means maiden or young woman. The Greek workd 
is parthenon. It doesn't mean a woman that has not been fucked. Eve 
wasn't made out of Adams rib. The word used in the Bible, plevra, means 
side. For full context read Aristophanes speech on the subject of the 
creation of humans in Plato's Symposium. Paul Daniels could turn water 
into wine. I think David Chippendale did the walking on water trick if 
Paul Daniels didn't do it before him. Jesus never died on the cross. He 
died of his wounds 40 days later after he was taken down from it early 
by the Romans. There are lots of other examples of people surviving 
crucifixion. The ark had two of every species from the land where it was 
built not the whole earth. Learn English, Ancient Greek, Latin, and 
Hebrew. Then you might understand what the words used in the Bible 
actually mean, not what you foolishly think their mean. The flood of 
Noah was the Thera Eruption of 1628 BC, the exact date is given by 
Deondrochronology since Noah is stated by Josephus and Eusebius to have 
been the same person as Janus king of Italy and Ogygus king of Athens, 
and the Argive chronology which dates the reign of Ogygus also gives the 
date of the Ogygian Deluge/Noah's Flood, which concurs with 1628 BC. All 
donkeys can speak, as can virtually all mammals. Understanding or 
interpreting the sounds they make is a different issue. Wasn't there a 
gorilla that was taught sign language and then she taught it to her 
children to talk with them. See how dumb, ignorant, and stupid you are?

Since it's clear you understand nothing about literature it's also clear 
that no one should trust a single thing you tell them. Koko the Gorilla 
had more intelligence and understanding than you do now.

The True Doctor

"To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it 
stands for." -William Shatner