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From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: From the Archives .....
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2024 20:59:39 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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The True Doctor wrote on 29/4/24 4:26 am:
> On 28/04/2024 16:15, The Last Doctor wrote:
>> Blueshirt <> wrote:
>>> The True Doctor wrote:
>>>> On 27/04/2024 08:57, Blueshirt wrote:
>>>>> The True Doctor wrote:
>>>>>> Where's Doctor Ruth among the faces of the Doctor? She's 
>>>>>> not there because there's no Doctor Ruth. The Doctor's 
>>>>>> regenerations begin at Hartnell. Where's Ruth's before his 
>>>>>> face? It's not there because all the faces after Hartnell 
>>>>>> are those of Morbius, and Hartnell is declared as the 
>>>>>> beginning of the Doctor, not Ruth.
>>>>> Ah c'mon Aggy at least try and be serious. How can the face 
>>>>> of a woman from a 2020 episode of Doctor Who be featured in 
>>>>> an episode of Doctor Who from 1976 when the idea hadn't even 
>>>>> been thought of?
>>>> How can an abused child from another dimension that was turned 
>>>> into a monster possibly be the predecessor of Hartnell when the
>>>> idea wasn't thought of until 2018?
>>> Fiction my boy, it's fiction about a time travelling alien... so 
>>> outside of the real world a writer can write any scenario he 
>>> wants to in retrospect if he thinks it's good for telling the 
>>> story he wants to tell. You don't have to like it, believe it, or
>>> think it makes sense. Chris Chibnall doesn't care if his ideas
>>> don't fit your idea of Doctor Who, or mine even. But it's what he
>>> chose to do.
>> Insisting that an idea that wasn’t thought of fifty years earlier
>> can’t change the course of the show is a bit bonkers anyway.
> Any new idea added to any existing literature cannot change previous
>  established facts,

Yeah, like the FACT that, way back when, The Doctor could re-generate
only FIVE times. Such a minor point .... easily changed to TWELVE times!!

And then, lets give them/The Master a whole new set of Twelve!!