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Path: ...!!!!!!!!!not-for-mail
From: Frank Slootweg <>
Subject: Re: is my phone ON or is it OFF?
Date: 30 Apr 2024 09:57:18 GMT
Organization: NOYB
Lines: 36
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References: <> <> <> <>
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Arno Welzel <> wrote:
> bad sector, 2024-04-30 01:40:
> > There has been a bit of misunderstanding since my OP in which I raised 
> > two issues. When I said "they only thought were OFF" I obviously meant 
> > 'on-hook' although an unwanted power-on state could in and of itself 
> > also kill you in the wrong situation. After that MY workaround of 
> > powering off TO ASSURE THAT IT IS ON-HOOK clouded the issue I think, but 
> > both issues remain IMO extremely important all the time.
> I see - you refer to the question if there is a phone call still active
> or unintentially started. Yes, unfortunately, smartphones usually don't
> have dedicated "hang up" keys any longer except special models intended
> to be used by older or disabled people.

  Are these scenarios even possible?

  (AFAIK,) For a still active phone call: If the remote party 'hangs
up', the connection is terminated and the local phone will be 'on hook'

  For an unintentially started phone call: Unless the remote phone keeps
on ringing 'for ever' or switches to voice mail with 'endless'
recording, the call will be terminated at some stage and the local phone
will be 'on hook' again.

  FWIW, I don't call or am called all that often (Using a smartphone as
a *phone*, what *will* they think of next! :-)), but I've never had a
situation where the phone was still 'off hook' without me knowing.

> However, when the phone app is still in an active call you should
> usually also see a notification about this at the top of the screen.

  I'll have to check how that is on my phone. I normally see the full
screen from the phone app, but have never tested what happens if I make
that go away without hanging up.