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Path: ...!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: "Adam H. Kerman" <>
Subject: Re: UCLA Allows Protesters to Exclude Jewish Students from Campus
Date: Wed, 1 May 2024 03:50:21 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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BTR1701 <> wrote:

>Pro-Hamas protesters at UCLA started issuing wristbands to people they approve
>of and barring access to a significant part of the campus to anyone who
>doesn't have a wristband, specifically Jewish students.

>Here's an audio recording of a phone call from a parent where the UCLA police
>department admits they're intentionally violating dozens of federal civil
>rights and equal access laws, not to mention the Constitution itself, by
>allowing this to happen:


Aren't the police REQUIRED to refuse to follow an illegal order to deny
someone his civil rights?


I feel obligated to wear the yellow armband with star of David in
solidarity with the Jewish students who are being discriminated against.

>Imagine if a bunch of white kids had seized half of UCLA and were only
>allowing white people in; excluding blacks from the classes and facilities
>they'd paid tuition for. Does anyone think the UCLA police and/or
>administration would be sitting on their hands then?

>But when it's Jews, it's totes cool, even down to identifying the Jews based
>on what they're wearing or not wearing. That doesn't sound Nazi-esque or

>And all this from 'progressive' Democrats who've spent the last four years
>braying that Trump that was going to destroy 'muh democracy'.