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From: HenHanna <HenHanna@devnull.tb>
Newsgroups: sci.lang,alt.usage.english
Subject: the [German Donald Trump] ----- What is this [Figure of Speech]
 called ?
Date: Wed, 1 May 2024 00:50:27 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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         -- the Sherlock Holmes of the Art World
         -- 'the Sherlock Holmes' of police dogs

         -- the Donald Trump of Germany

                 Then I had a meeting with the [German Donald Trump]

Is there a name for this  [Figure of Speech] ?
                           ----------- just a special case of Metaphor?

            You got a catchy term for this in your language???


Meet Frauke Petry, the Donald Trump of Germany
https://www.newsweek.com › World › Germany
              Meet Frauke Petry, the Donald Trump of Germany. By Yardena 
Schwartz On 03/09/17 at 8:00 AM EST. 03_17_Germany_02. Petry campaigned 
in 2016 elections on a ...


Brazil's Trump? Mexico's Trump? Italy's Trump? Cut it out ...
https://slate.com › news-and-politics › 2018/10 › brazili...
           Oct 9, 2018 — A raft of headlines invites us to “Meet the 
Donald Trump of Germany”—or of Canada, Indonesia, or Russia. Many of 
these headlines have the ...


'I'm the Donald Trump of the Art World,' Sean Scully Says in ...
https://news.artnet.com › art-world-archives › im-the-do...
              May 6, 2019 — The abstract painter Sean Scully shows a 
mind-boggling degree of self-regard in a new BBC film about his life, 
our columnist writes.


Meet the Sherlock Holmes of the Art World
https://www.overstockart.com › blog › meet-the-sherlock...
          May 8, 2015 — Real-life detective, Christopher Marinello seeks 
out and recovers stolen art on a truly grand scale. Marinello, born and 
raised in Brooklyn New ...


China clones 'the Sherlock Holmes' of police dogs
https://news.sky.com › story › china-clones-sherlock-ho...
              Mar 20, 2019 — Scientists in China have cloned what they 
call the "Sherlock Holmes of police dogs" in a bid to cut training times 
and costs.