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From: Dudley Brooks <>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.misc
Subject: Re: Print (or export to a spreadsheet) all the information displayed
 when Finder is looking at a folder (OS X 10.13 High Sierra)
Date: Wed, 1 May 2024 19:44:25 -0700
Organization: Run For Your Life! ... it's a dance company
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On 4/30/24 3:56 PM, Jolly Roger wrote:

> On 2024-04-30, Dudley Brooks <> wrote:
>> On 4/30/24 8:56 AM, Jolly Roger wrote:
>>> On 2024-04-30, Jim Gibson <> wrote:
>>>> On Apr 29, 2024 at 6:51:05 PM PDT, "Dudley Brooks"
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> I want to print out all the File Names, their Creation Dates, and their
>>>>> Modification Dates.  (Printing all the other info is fine too.)  If
>>>>> possible, I would like to do it in a form that can be easily put into a
>>>> You can use the stat utility in a command-line shell in the Terminal
>>>> application to print out creation and modification times for any file.
>>>> Use 'man stat' for details. Use the -f option to specifiy the content and
>>>> format for the fields to be displayed.
>>>> You want the following format specifiers:
>>>>       %SN  to display the file name
>>>>       %SB  to display the creation (birth) time
>>>>       %Sm  to display the modification time
>>>>       %t    to insert tab characters between fields
>>>> So the following should give you what you want:
>>>>       stat -f '%SN%t%SB%t%Sm' *
>>>> Redirect the output to a file:
>>>>       stat -f '%SN%t%SB%t%Sm' * > file_times.txt
>>>> and you can import that into a spreadsheet specifying tab characters to
>>>> separate columns,
>> Thanks!  That's EXACTLY what I'm looking for.
>> Ironically, I had actually done "man stat" ... but I didn't see all
>> those formatting parameters.  I must have been looking way too late at
>> night ... when my brain turns into a pumpkin.
>>> I would use comma characters for delimiters to make it a CSV file, then
>>> open that in a spreadsheet program.
>> I was just thinking about that.  Thanks!  (I think Excel can separate on
>> tabs as well, though.  But it's always good to have different options.
>> And maybe it saves you from having to do copy-and-paste.)
>> One more thing, if either of you knows why this might be:
>> If <filename> has not already been created, I get an error message.
>> If I create <filename> first, there's no error message, and it seems to
>> be running fine ... except ... it doesn't seem to do anything -- nothing
>> gets written to <filename>!
>> Any ideas?  Maybe it's another casualty of over-full HD?
> What is the command you are using,

Exactly what Jim Gibson suggested:

	stat <flags, etc.> * > <file>

> and what is the error output?

Today, when <file> doesn't exist, no error message.  Can't recreate 
error message from yesterday.  (Maybe because I cleared a lot of stuff 
off my HD?)

But <file> does not get created.

When <file> does already exist, then, just like yesterday, no error message.

But again, like yesterday, nothing gets written to <file>.

Dudley Brooks, Artistic Director
Run For Your Life! ... it's a dance company!
San Francisco