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Path: ...!weretis.net!feeder8.news.weretis.net!fu-berlin.de!uni-berlin.de!individual.net!not-for-mail
From: Frank Slootweg <this@ddress.is.invalid>
Newsgroups: comp.mobile.android
Subject: Re: is my phone ON or is it OFF?
Date: 2 May 2024 15:22:45 GMT
Organization: NOYB
Lines: 58
Message-ID: <v10i4r.fhs.1@ID-201911.user.individual.net>
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Bytes: 4507

bad?sector <forgetski@_invalid.net> wrote:
> On 5/1/24 06:08, Frank Slootweg wrote:
> > bad?sector <forgetski@_invalid.net> wrote:
> >> On 4/30/24 10:01, Frank Slootweg wrote:
> > [...]
> > 
> >>>     My take is that 'bad sector' just wants to ramble/vent.
> >>
> >> Not really, what I want is CHANGE. The BlackBerry had not only real
> >> buttons but chicklety ones extremely well engineeered for that positive
> >> feel. My son had one, they *were disappeared* just when I was getting
> >> set to buy one! I had to do with a basic cell-phone with no texto even.
> >> I did what I needed done but a while ago it packed up so I wanted to buy
> >> another one like it but with texto capability. My provider said
> >> "FORGET-IT, we've been keeping your special low-end account for as long
> >> as you phone would last, now it's NOT renewable anymore". So I went and
> >> bought this android zFlip5 but it's a giga-letdown for too many reasons
> >> to mention and I think I will get rid of it. I can live without a
> >> cell-phone, my take is that demand will eventually force design
> >> improvements as well as open source non-proprietary OS'es developed by
> >> units walking on two legs. Meanwhile I call a spade a spade and I will
> >> let no apple, faecesbook or goongle steer my life, they already have way
> >> too much influence on my bowel movements.
> >>
> >> tinyurl.com/3s7bkhw7
> > 
> >    As I've said to others with similar needs/wants/complaints:
> >    
> >    Buy a 'dumb'/'feature' phone and be done with it. They still have real
> > keys/ buttons. have SMS capability and can work on modern 4G (and of
> > course 2G and 3G) networks. Problem solved.
> Other than satellite, where I live there are only 3 providers one of 
> which (Bell) doesn't even have my physical address in their data base so 
> when I call them they say "you do not exist". The other big one (Telus) 
> is the only major that is available on paper but with only 4g service 
> and so poor as to make the entire idea of a cell-phone laughable, 
> tethering is a joke that NEVER works. The third one is a discount arm of 
> Telus selling their crap for a few pennies less. I'm only saying this to 
> put things into perspective. Telus as I said will NOT renew my old 
> plane-jane service for a plain-jane flip phone fare, I have no choice 
> but to go with the minimal but hefty price of full 5g and tethering 
> package very little of which could I use with ANY phone and almost none 
> of which with less. Bottom line, if I have service at all be that 
> minimally high-end on paper, I might as well have the phone for it.

  If you tell the audience where (about) you live, they probably can
give you some sensible and reasonable cost alternative providers,
possibly/probably 'even' some prepaid ones.

  Meanwhile we in the read world - meaning non-US or maybe non-NA - have
no such problems. How I use or do not use my phone is no-one's business,
I only pay my provider(s) for what I need/use. End of story.

> Problem 'solving' would BEGIN with stomping on the manufacturers' and 
> providers' balls with both feet and forcing them into line or lose their 
> market or licenses. Unfortunately our barbie-boy leader always sits with 
> his legs crossed.