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Path: ...!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: The Last Doctor <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: From the Archives .....
Date: Sat, 4 May 2024 12:25:37 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Daniel70 <> wrote:
> Todays posting from the Archives comes from a thread called "Seasons 5 & 
> 6: Comments" from back in July 1991 ....
> Quote
> At that point in the series, regeneration (it hadn't even been called 
> that) was only done by the Doctor; it was something he built into the 
> TARDIS (since at that point, the TARDIS was something he made).
> End Quote
> O.K. so for a long time it seemed that The Doctor could only regenerate 
> whilst with-in The TARDIS, but, originally, was it actually suggested 
> that Regeneration was *ONLY* possible because of what The Doctor had 
> Built into HIS TARDIS Type 40??

The comments aren’t quite accurate. Whoever wrote that was just wrong, even

Yes, in “The Power of the Daleks” the Doctor says “I've been renewed. It's
part of the Tardis. Without it, I couldn't survive” - implying that the
regeneration process (as it would become known in “Planet of the Spiders”
eight years later) was linked in some way to the TARDIS. But nothing
suggests that the Doctor had developed that process.

And the TARDIS was not believed to be something the Doctor had built; that
concept was in the Peter Cushing movie version of “Doctor Who and the
Daleks”, but like the movie decision that the Doctor was a human from the
future whose name was Doctor Who, it was never part of the TV series.

That’s made explicit by the fact that the very first time the Doctor meets
up on-screen with another of his people, in “The Meddling Monk”, the Monk
also has a TARDIS - a slightly later model than the Doctor’s - but with
largely compatible parts (which we know because the Doctor steals some and
uses them). Making it a production vehicle made by the Doctor’s people.

“The timelines and … canon … are rupturing” - the Doctor