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From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: From the Archives .....
Date: Sun, 5 May 2024 00:33:00 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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The Last Doctor wrote on 4/5/24 10:25 pm:
> Daniel70 <> wrote:
>> Todays posting from the Archives comes from a thread called
>> "Seasons 5 & 6: Comments" from back in July 1991 ....
>> Quote At that point in the series, regeneration (it hadn't even
>> been called that) was only done by the Doctor; it was something he
>> built into the TARDIS (since at that point, the TARDIS was
>> something he made). End Quote
>> O.K. so for a long time it seemed that The Doctor could only
>> regenerate whilst with-in The TARDIS, but, originally, was it
>> actually suggested that Regeneration was *ONLY* possible because of
>> what The Doctor had Built into HIS TARDIS Type 40??
> The comments aren’t quite accurate. Whoever wrote that was just
> wrong, even then.
> Yes, in “The Power of the Daleks” the Doctor says “I've been renewed.
> It's part of the Tardis. Without it, I couldn't survive” - implying
> that the regeneration process (as it would become known in “Planet of
> the Spiders” eight years later) was linked in some way to the TARDIS.
> But nothing suggests that the Doctor had developed that process.
> And the TARDIS was not believed to be something the Doctor had built;
> that concept was in the Peter Cushing movie version of “Doctor Who
> and the Daleks”, but like the movie decision that the Doctor was a
> human from the future whose name was Doctor Who, it was never part of
> the TV series.
> That’s made explicit by the fact that the very first time the Doctor
> meets up on-screen with another of his people, in “The Meddling
> Monk”, the Monk also has a TARDIS - a slightly later model than the
> Doctor’s - but with largely compatible parts (which we know because
> the Doctor steals some and uses them). Making it a production vehicle
> made by the Doctor’s people.
O.K., Ta, Mike.