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From: Jeroen Belleman <jeroen@nospam.please>
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.design
Subject: Re: AM radio law opposed by tech and auto industries is close to
Date: Sun, 5 May 2024 20:51:42 +0200
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On 5/4/24 22:39, Carlos E.R. wrote:
> On 2024-05-04 13:43, Jeroen Belleman wrote:
>> On 5/4/24 12:29, Carlos E.R. wrote:
>>> On 2024-05-03 17:43, John Larkin wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 02 May 2024 05:24:08 GMT, Jan Panteltje <alien@comet.invalid>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> AM radio law opposed by tech and auto industries is close to passing
>>>>> https://arstechnica.com/cars/2024/05/am-radio-is-a-lifeline-lawmakers-say-tech-and-auto-industries-disagree/
>>>>> A recent test of the emergency alert system found only 1 percent 
>>>>> got it via AM.
>>>>> Strange. most is FM these days, or digital?
>>>>> Something to do with Soros buying radio stations ;-) ?
>>>> AM radio is a century-old technology. It makes more sense to push
>>>> microwatts of light over a fiber, or a few watts from a gen6 cell
>>>> node, than to spray tens or hundreds of kilowatts of RF out into the
>>>> universe.
>>> Heh. The power needed is not that related to being old technology, 
>>> but to the frequency used. The lower the frequency, the more power is 
>>> needed.
>> [...]
>> I'm pretty sure that the power consumed by modern telecoms
>> infrastructure exceeds that of broadcast radio manyfold.
> An AM or LW transmitter can be a megawat.
> Google:
> Long Wave Radio These wavelengths travel very long distances and 
> generally use much higher power than medium wave, or FM and DAB. Typical 
> power levels are 500 kilowatts, though some stations transmit with up to 
> 2 megawatts (two million watts).
> Long Wave - World of Radio
> worldofradio.co.uk
> https://worldofradio.co.uk › LongWave
> https://worldofradio.co.uk/LongWave.html
> A 5ESSS exchange we were setting up took only a few KW, 2 or 5, measured 
> when we tested the batteries. Long distance only, just a dozen local lines.

Every cell tower consumes kilowatts and you need lots of them to
reach the same number as a single AM MW or LW station.

Jeroen Belleman