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From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho,
Subject: Re: Doctor Who: Space Babies - New Preview Clip (BBC)
Date: Tue, 7 May 2024 00:29:26 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Blueshirt wrote on 6/5/24 9:04 pm:
> Daniel70 wrote:
>> Blueshirt wrote on 6/5/24 5:28 pm:
>>> The Doctor wrote:
>>> <Snip>
>>>> SW IX brought back a an baddie that should have stayed dead!!
>>> And? George Lucas did a lot more than that. Not only did he 
>>> tinker with the original movie, (who shot first etc.), he made 
>>> the three prequels...
>>> If you think the problems with Star Wars only started when
>>> George Lucas sold the franchise to Disney, then you know fuck all
>>> about Star Wars!
>> I can remember seeing a film titled "Star Wars".
>> Others, apparently, saw a film called "Star Wars:Episode IV - A
>> New Hope"!! ;-P
> If you saw "Star Wars" in the cinema in 1977 it wasn't Episode IV 
> then...
> Oh, and if you did see "Star Wars" at the cinema in 1977, that's not 
> exactly the same version of the film that you would have seen since.

I saw "Star Wars" in a Theatre and I've seen "Star Wars:Episode IV - A
New Hope" on T.V. since!! ..... I'm guessing AFTER the
distributor/whomever had stumped up the money for Episodes V and VI ;-P

> As there's been a good few alterations to the original film done by 
> George Lucas over the years.
> And to some, it all went downhill after that! ;-)
The first trilogy was a pretty good story line .... Second trilogy
muhh!! ..... Third Trilogy .... Don't know if I've seen them yet!!