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From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Reading the Archives ....
Date: Tue, 7 May 2024 21:44:59 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Tonight I happened to come across a post from July 1991 from one Dave 
Yadallee of Edmonton .....

I just read in isue #176 of DW Monthly that 10th Planet 4, The Invasion 
1, and one other episode is somewhen in existence, but a group of select 
people do NOT want others to enjoy it. If you are one of these people, 
please for the sake of DW fans out there, return the episodes to the BBC 
so that the rest of the fanship could enjoy these classics.

Thank you.

Dave Yadallee y***....@e****.********.**

Edmonton Remote Systems: Serving Northern Alberta since 1982
End Quote

(Note the all-to-familiar Spelling mistakes) to which there was just one 
reply from a Neil Perret-Green ....

I must be in a funny (sorry?) mood today, when I read Dave's post my 
eyes solely lit upon the football score:

10th Planet 4, The Invasion 1
End Quote

It seems, even then, some people did have a sense of Humour!! ;-P