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From: The True Doctor <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?Re=3A_RTD_tells_us_how_he=E2=80=99s_going_to_just_move_fo?=
Date: Thu, 9 May 2024 13:36:11 +0100
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 09/05/2024 10:38, Daniel70 wrote:
> Blueshirt wrote on 9/5/24 2:57 am:
>> The True Doctor wrote:
>>> There's nothing bigoted in anything that I have said. The
>>> bigots are the people that have hijacked Doctor Who to use to
>>> propagate their disgusting and degenerate far left agenda
>>> using bigotry, sexism, racism, and trying to sexually groom
>>> children.
>>> How can you possibly justify race swapping Isaac Newton? A
>>> historical figure that everyone in the world knows was not an
>>> Indian.
>> I've told you, I think there's a bigger story there and it was
>> done deliberately. As in, there's some sort of parallel universe
>> timey-wimey stuff going on and he is a 'different' Isaac Newton.
> I can't recall any School History Books mentioning 'Ironsides' helping 
> to defeat Hitler's Nazis in the Second World War!!
> But I've seen it on 'Doctor Who', hence my theory the 'Doctor Who' 
> episodes occur in Parallel Universes!

Don't you understand the concept of plausible deniability?

You cannot plausibly deny that Isaac Newton was a pure blooded fair 
skinned Englishman. Everyone has seen what he really looked like. Anyone 
can deny the existence of aliens at Area 51 and secret WW2 operations 
only a privileged few may have witnessed.

The True Doctor

"To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it 
stands for." -William Shatner