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From: The True Doctor <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: RTD tells us how he's going to just move forward
Date: Thu, 9 May 2024 13:51:45 +0100
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 08/05/2024 20:38, Blueshirt wrote:
> The True Doctor wrote:
>> On 08/05/2024 17:39, Blueshirt wrote:
>>> The True Doctor wrote:
>>>> If the child grooming pervert (he admitted to it himself)
>>>> wants emotion he can go and write feeble women's fiction
>>>> instead of hijacking historically male franchises
>>>> destroying them with it and taking everything that
>>>> appealed to men out of them, instead of portraying the
>>>> heroic journey of learning and discovery which is what
>>>> Doctor Who's real audience actually wants.
>>> Do they though? Is "learning and discovery" really what the
>>> TV watching general public want from Doctor Who when they
>>> sit down in front of the TV on a Saturday evening?
>> Doctor Who is not for the general public, it's for people who
>> are educated in science, technology, engineering, and
>> mathematics or those who want to be educated in science,
>> technology, engineering, and mathematics.
> If you think that is REALLY the audience that BBC1 attracts on a
> Saturday evening I suggest that you are a bit more out of touch
> with the real world than I previously thought you were!

That is the audience that BBC1 attracted when Doctor Who was on before 
it went woke and lost 3/4 of it's audience. Where's the BBC committent 
to diversity? It doesn't believe in it. All it believes in is 
discrimination, exclusion, and intolerance.

> This is the real issue some fans have isn't it? Doctor Who
> should be all about them and their wants. A niche show for the

Doctor Who was created for them and they are the ones who kept it alive 
for over 50 years.

> nerds. The fact that the unwashed masses can now watch Doctor
> Who around the world on Disney+ really upsets the self-entitled
> among us who think Doctor Who should be just for them.

Doctor Who ended in 2017! No one is watching the woke crap that is 
parodying it on Disney+. It's not even in the top 20.

> Shout it out loud while you stamp your feet and raise your fist
> to the sky in anger... DOCTOR WHO IS OURS, YOU CAN'T HAVE IT!!!

What did I tell you. Discrimination, Exclusion, and Intolerance is what 
you really believe in. You're a bigot that wants to discriminate against 
science fiction fans because they are mostly men and totally exclude 
them from shows they used to enjoy by taking them from them and removing 
everything from them that appealed to men and people with intelligence, 
and isolate them by constantly attacking and bullying them for being 
fans and daring to protest against your sexist and racist bigotry and 
intolerance of anyone that thinks differently to you.

The True Doctor

"To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it 
stands for." -William Shatner