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From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho,
Subject: Re: Doctor Who: Space Babies - New Preview Clip (BBC)
Date: Fri, 10 May 2024 20:35:44 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 43
Message-ID: <v1kta0$1a76m$>
References: <> <v1g0i9$ajs$>
 <v1g2s6$j5b$> <v1i730$jcka$>
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The Doctor wrote on 9/5/24 9:05 pm:
> In article <v1i730$jcka$>,
> Daniel70  <> wrote:
>> The Doctor wrote on 9/5/24 12:40 am:
>>> In article <v1g0i9$ajs$>,
>>> Daniel70  <> wrote:
>>>> The Doctor wrote on 8/5/24 11:23 pm:
>>>>> In article <v1fdjv$3rva5$>, Daniel70
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> <Snip>
>>>>>> Ah! So one of the bit-players .... I mean early on, it was all
>>>>>> about Luke, Darth Vada, Princess Leia and Han Solo, wasn't it??
>>>                                                 ^^^^^^^^
>>>>> You mean the conversion of Anakin to Vader!
>>>>> And what birth of Solo?
>>>> WHO mentioned the birth of Solo, asswipe??
>>> Cut and lie noted Red-Bard!
>> Yes, asswipe, Han Solo, ..... not the slightest mention of the birth of
>> Solo, asswipe!!
>> DO LEARN TO READ, asswipe!!
> So what the cut-andlie Red-Beard?
asswipe, have YOU ever noticed MOST REPUTABLE ISP's suggest when you 
reply to a UseNet post, you should CUT ALL the stuff that you are not 
actually responding too??

I think this might be so that their (busy, busy) Servers don't have to 
do anything more than the bare minimum .... but, as YOUR server does 
bugger all normally (due to lack of connected Users, asswipe), I can 
understand why YOU, asswipe, might want YOUR server to actually do 
something, asswipe!!

That doesn't mean WE HAVE to follow YOUR rules/suggestions, asswipe!!