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From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: Today's re-post from the archives
Date: Sat, 11 May 2024 00:15:01 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Blueshirt wrote on 10/5/24 7:22 pm:
> Daniel70 wrote:
>> Blueshirt wrote on 10/5/24 1:29 am:
>>> Daniel70 wrote:
>>>> And, having mentioned the 10th Doctors twin/clone, and
>>>> being aware of the recent bio-regeneration, is the
>>>> Universe in danger of being overrun with 10th Doctor
>>>> clones??
>>> It's funny you should mention the Tenth Doctor clone as
>>> there's an interesting fan theory/rumour going around about
>>> him in relation to Ruby's character... but, as you won't get
>>> to see any of the new Doctor Who episodes you'll have to
>>> wait until you reach that stage in your RADW archive to see
>>> if it ends up being true or not... ;-)
>> Owwww! Spoil sport!! ;-P
> Of course, if you're only doing 1991 now it could be 2037 before
> you get around to it... I hope you are in good health?
> New Doctor Who episodes are less than fourteen hours away. RADW
> will be hopping tomorrow... or frothing at the mouth as the case
> may well be. Are you not tempted to join in the "Season One" fun?
Tempted?? Yes, I am. I've just been on Youtube watching a couple of 
those Review/Prediction type clips (20-odd minutes) ..... and I've got a 
reason to go and visit my Sister/Brother-in-Law (those with Disney+) so, 
WHO knows, maybe Sunday (Mother's Day here in the antipodes!!). ;-P