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From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?Re:_RTD_tells_us_how_he=e2=80=99s_going_to_just_move_f_or?=
Date: Sat, 11 May 2024 00:27:11 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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The Last Doctor wrote on 10/5/24 11:12 pm:
> Blueshirt <> wrote:
>> The True Doctor wrote:
>>> On 10/05/2024 07:28, solar penguin wrote:
>>>> The idiot insisted:
>>>>> Historically correct.
>>>> What part of ‘in a parallel universe’ are you two having 
>>>> trouble with?
>>> The part about credulity. If Isaac Newton was not born of the 
>>> same English parents and grandparents then he would not be Isaac
>>> Newton but someone else, even in a parallel universe.
>>> Just how stupid are you? I bet Squealer is your idol.
>> You're beating the same old drum over the Isaac Newton thing... get
>> over it! You seem very easily triggered. Relax.
>> From what I hear... if you think Isaac Newton is the big issue, you
>> ain't seen nothing yet!!!
> Aggie is also imposing his own limited rules and viewpoint on what
> is allowed in parallel universes. If there are an infinity of
> parallel universes, somewhere there is a subset of universes where
> Isaac Newton is of Indian descent and NOTHING ELSE is very different.

AND there would also be some Universes where there is *NO* Isaac Newton 
of any race cause his Parents never met ... or his Grandparents never 
met .... or his GG-parents ......./..

> In a subset of those, he coins the term “mavity”. In a subset of
> those, Time Lords are real. Etc.
> Somewhere, even, there is a universe where everything is virtually 
> identical to ours, but Aggie is a sane, open minded, intelligent
> fellow who it’s a pleasure to converse with. But it’s not this one,
> alas.
And how disappointed we would all be in THAT/THOSE Universe/s .... I 
mean, just think of all the discussions we wouldn't be having there!!