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From: Mikko <mikko.levanto@iki.fi>
Newsgroups: comp.theory
Subject: Re: Termination analyzer defined
Date: Sat, 11 May 2024 12:39:16 +0300
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On 2024-05-11 00:30:40 +0000, olcott said:

> A termination analyzer is different than a halt decider in that it need
> not correctly determine the halt status of every input. For the purposes
> of this paper a termination analyzer only needs to correctly determine
> the halt status of one terminating input and one non-terminating input.
> The computer science equivalent would be a halt decider with a limited
> domain that includes at least one halting and one non-halting input.

From https://www.google.fi/search?q=termination+analysis and
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Termination_analysis :

"In computer science, termination analysis is program analysis which 
attempts to determine whether the evaluation of a given program halts 
for each input. This means to determine whether the input program 
computes a total function."

So the term "termination analysis" is already defined. The derived term
"termination analyzer" means a performer of termination analysis. That
does not agree with the propsed defintion above so a differnt term
should be used.

That "termination analysis" is a know term that need not be defined
is demostrated e.g. by


which simply assumes that readers know (at least approximately) what
the term means.
