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From: The Last Doctor <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: Doctor Who: Space Babies - New Preview Clip (BBC)
Date: Sat, 11 May 2024 13:43:02 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Blueshirt <> wrote:
> Daniel70 wrote:
>> Blueshirt wrote on 11/5/24 1:23 am:
>>> No franchise is perfect and sometimes change for changes
>>> sake annoys me too, but I've learned to like what I like
>>> and just ignore the bits that I don't like.
>> Yes, Look what they've done to Star Trek!!
> Not a big Trekkie but I liked S3 of Picard... other recent ST
> serials - the episodes I saw of them anyway - left me nonplussed.

Picard seasons 1 and 2 were - “OK”, but suffered from that streaming series
malaise of “we have a captive audience for 10 episodes, we can get away
with enough script for 3 episodes and just meander along”. Season 3 was
excellent - a love letter to the fans, for all intents and purposes a
long-delayed Season 8 of TNG. And I really hope Star Trek: Legacy comes to
pass in some form. Picard S3 set it up perfectly.

I like Discovery but it doesn’t really feel like Star Trek. But you need to
watch the first two seasons as context for Strange New Worlds, which I feel
is a contender for Best Trek Ever at times.

Lower Decks is just another example of the breakneck paced “adult
animation” that seems so popular with US audiences these days, with a
zillion Star Trek in jokes thrown in. It’s just about watchable on its good

I did quite like Prodigy, it wasn’t given a chance to really get going.

The Orville is - technically not Star Trek but let’s be honest, it’s Seth
McFarlane writing TNG fan fiction and being allowed to make it as a series.
Here’s hoping season 4 does eventually come together.

“The timelines and … canon … are rupturing” - the Doctor