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From: Bill Sloman <bill.sloman@ieee.org>
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.design
Subject: Re: OT: Dynamic DNA structures and the formation of memory
Date: Mon, 13 May 2024 12:39:15 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 13/05/2024 11:30 am, John Larkin wrote:
> On Sun, 12 May 2024 21:21:56 -0400, "Tom Del Rosso"
> <fizzbintuesday@that-google-mail-domain.com> wrote:
>> John Larkin wrote:
>>> On Sun, 05 May 2024 05:36:06 GMT, Jan Panteltje
>>> <pNaonStpealmtje@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>> Dynamic DNA structures and the formation of memory
>>>> https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/05/240501125755.htm
>>>> Summary:
>>>> An international collaborative research team has discovered that
>>>> G-quadraplex DNA (G4-DNA) accumulates in neurons and dynamically
>>>> controls the activation and repression of genes underlying long-term
>>>> memory formation.
>>>> I have always though that memory could be stored as DNA sequenxes...
>>> More likely RNA or some other protein.
>>> The oft-mocked Lamarckian concept, of genetic learning (not just
>>> natural selection) is probably real, and some reverse transcription
>>> does happen, namely that DNA is edited within the life of one
>>> organism. But remembering where you left your glasses is probably
>>> handled at a lower level than editing your chromosones.
>> But how can it be passed down as Lamarck thought, if the eggs in the
>> ovaries are formed early? If genetic memory could be passed down it
>> would be only from the father because sperm are formed recently. But the
>> sperm spawn from local cells. If DNA is edited to store memory then
>> would these changes be duplicated in all cells in all tissues? How else
>> would the changes get into sperm cells? How could they get into eggs?
> If it is advantageous for a woman's life experiences to be passed onto
> her children, nature will find a way.

That's why humans invented language - and, much later, writing.

John Larkin is fond of magical thinking, which is to say he doesn't seem 
to be able to think in any kind of useful way.

Bill Sloman, Sydney