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From: Janis Papanagnou <>
Newsgroups: alt.comp.lang.awk,comp.lang.awk
Subject: Re: printing words without newlines?
Date: Mon, 13 May 2024 10:18:40 +0200
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 12.05.2024 06:57, David Chmelik wrote:
> I'm learning more AWK basics and wrote function to read file, sort, 
> print.  I use GNU AWK (gawk) and its sort but printing is harder to get 
> working than anything... separate lines work, but when I use printf() or 
> set ORS then use print (for words one line) all awk outputs (on FreeBSD 
> UNIX 14 and Slackware GNU/Linux 15) is a space (and not even newline 
> before shell prompt)... is this normal (and I made mistake?) or am I 
> approaching it wrong?  I recall BASIC prints new lines, but as I learned 
> basic C and some derivatives, I'm used to newlines only being specified...

IIUC you meanwhile have your script running, and probably code similar

    BEGIN { print_file_words("data.txt"); }

    function print_file_words(file) {
        while (getline <file >0)
            arr[$1] = $0
        PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "@ind_num_asc"
        for (i in arr) {
            split (arr[i], arr2)
            printf "%s ", arr2[2]
        printf "\n"

I suggest to add the '>0' test to your code, and also print a final
"\n" so that your command line prompt doesn't overwrite your output.
Note also that printf (like print) is a command, no function. Adding
local variable declarations is also sensible to not get problems if
you operate your code in other source code contexts.


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # print_file_words.awk
> # pass filename to function
> BEGIN { print_file_words("data.txt"); }
> # read two-column array from file and sort lines and print
> function print_file_words(file) {
> # set record separator then use print
> # ORS=" "
>   while(getline<file) arr[$1]=$0
>   PROCINFO["sorted_in"]="@ind_num_asc"
>   for(i in arr) 
>   {
>     split(arr[i],arr2)
>     # output all words or on one line with ORS
>     print arr2[2]
>     # output all words on one line without needing ORS
>     #printf("%s ",arr2[2])
>   }
> }
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # sample data.txt
> 2 your
> 1 all
> 3 base
> 5 belong
> 4 are
> 7 us
> 6 to