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From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: Doctor Who S01E02 The Devil's Chord
Date: Mon, 13 May 2024 20:13:28 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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The True Doctor wrote on 13/5/24 3:07 am:
> On 12/05/2024 13:06, Daniel70 wrote:
>> The True Doctor wrote on 11/5/24 10:34 pm:
>>> On 11/05/2024 10:53, solar penguin wrote:
>> <Snip>
>>>> Those would’ve been genuine, serious complaints about the
>>>> episode. But instead you ignore them silly, irrelevant details. You
>>>> really need to learn to look beyond your own personal obsessions!
>>> If the ginger haired gay transvestite pervert changed history in 1925 
>>> (or whenever it was in the early 1900s), then the Beatles should not 
>>> even have existed in the first place since they would not have 
>>> experienced the musical influences they did which made them want to 
>>> form a band, such as sciffle and rock and roll, and most likely their 
>>> parents would not have even met and begat any of them to begin with. 
>>> But instead you ignore common sense and look for silly, irrelevant 
>>> details. What was the shit Gibson went on about concerning 
>>> butterflies that was turned into a joke?
>> In another thread, the suggestion seems to be that IF Isaac Newton is 
>> WHITE in our 'Universe' then Isaac Newton WILL be WHITE in EVERY 
>> Universe .... but, here, you seem to be accepting that, in a different 
>> Universe, the situation w.r.t. The Beatles would be different!!
>> WHY?? Because They are/were WHITE, maybe!!
>> I'm confused!!
> The Beatles WOULD NOT EVEN EXIST in a different parallel universe when 
> time was changed in 1925 and music was perverted. If music was perverted 
> in 1962 then the Beatles would have already been born prior to that and 
> already met and toured Germany which is what made them the Beatles and 
> got them a recording contract with EMI after being rejected by Decca..
In OUR UNIVERSE, yes, but the rules of OUR UNIVERSE don't need to apply 
in EVERY UNIVERSE, do they??

I mean the rules that apply in MY UNIVERSE seem to be different to the 
rules that apply in YOUR UNIVERSE, Aggy!!

>>> You really need to learn to look beyond your own personal obsessions!
>> Pot .... Kettle .... Black!! Oh!! Hang on!! We're not allowed to have 
>> black things in 'Doctor Who' are we??
> Can you possibly get any stupider?
Well, apparently, you can .... so there is the possibility that I might!!