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Article <v20g4p.r6o.1@ID-201911.user.individual.net>
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From: Frank Slootweg <this@ddress.is.invalid>
Newsgroups: news.software.nntp
Subject: Re: Young people peering
Date: 14 May 2024 18:05:18 GMT
Organization: NOYB
Lines: 44
Message-ID: <v20g4p.r6o.1@ID-201911.user.individual.net>
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Van Camp <van@ca.mp> wrote:
> On 2024-04-17 18:07:39 +0000, SugarBug said:
> > On Wed, 17 Apr 2024 15:39:50 -0000 (UTC)
> > doctor@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca (The Doctor) wrote:
> > 
> >> Getting high schools to a Usenet project should be
> >> the advocacy of everyone here!
> > 
> > Moderated NNTP newsgroups are well-suited to academic environments.
> > 
> > In certain academic and scientific circles much communication is still 
> > done via email using clients that still have built-in NNTP capability.
> When I was working at different companies, I always wondered why all of 
> them use mailing lists instead of local newsgroups. Local newsgroups 
> just make much more sense, and make many things easier.
> Not sure if access to global Usenet would be useful in businness 
> environment, but local NNTP server is a good idea, in my opinion. I was 
> never in a position to propose any changes, though.

  That - a company-local NetNews server - is exactly what we/I did,
already in the very early 80s (till at least 2003). We carried
company-internal newsgroups, some company-related Usenet newsgroups - as
an alternative (informal) customer support channel - and some other
Usenet groups (by an automatic on-demand feed mechanism (storage was
still small/expensive at the time)).

  But like in the non-company world, NetNews/Usenet was somewhat of a
niche and most others (ab)used e-mail where NetNews/Usenet would have
been a much better fit. In our company, it was mostly used by techies,
not by marketing/sales, admin, etc..

  Bottom line: You/I/'we' are preaching to the converted. :-( c.q. :-)

> Quick google search shows that the same thing was proposed many times 
> in the past, for example, a book Practical Internet Groupware by Jon 
> Udell starts with a chapter called "Lotus Notes, Web Bulletin Boards, 
> and NNTP Newsgroups":
> <https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/practical-internet-groupware/1565925378/ch01s07.html> 
